At Home for the Holidays & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #304
We are right smack in the middle of the holiday season and a long overdue shift in perspective has finally happened. After years of dreading the holidays and harboring an overall disdain for this time of year, I finally felt the holiday spirit seep into my soul and I am thoroughly enjoying all the preparations and the family time.
I have never liked the over commercialization of the holidays and I have always felt the pressure of the expectations of others. Those two things alone are enough to damper the holidays. Then add in the uncertainty of planning things when you are a military family and the holidays take very unique turns over the years. Now that we are in the Army-retirement years, we have been enjoying quiet holidays at home.
This Thanksgiving, I cooked for just the four of us. I made Peking duck as a little tribute to A Christmas Story, a roasted turkey breast, and a few easy side dishes. We ended with enough dessert for 12 people which we managed to eat all ourselves before the weekend ended.

My sister, her husband, and two of their grandchildren were planning to visit us over Thanksgiving weekend but due to some travel issues, we had to postpone those plans. Instead, we spent the weekend cleaning out and putting up our Christmas decorations. Ralph found this snowman hat from when he was a baby and we had a good laugh trying it on his much larger head.

Three years ago, we got rid of our artificial tree because it was so old it stopped standing upright and was developing quite a pronounced lean. It was the same Christmas that George, our big fat floppy eared bunny, joined our family and his cage has taken up permanent residence where the Christmas tree always stood. So for the last two years, we have gotten tiny little 3 foot tall potted trees that sat on a tabletop in the living room.
This year the kids were over the business of teeny tiny Christmas trees so we bought a new 7 foot artificial tree and moved some furniture around to accommodate it. The star tree topper we have doesn’t work on this tree for some reason so we have temporarily replaced it with Archie’s orthotic helmet from his infancy. We actually used the helmet as our tree topper until Archie was old enough to ask for a star. We figured the helmet cost $3500 and he wore it for less than a year before his head outgrew it and the process was complete. But that’s a lot of money to just toss aside at the end, so why not find some secondary use for the thing. Recycle, repurpose, reuse!
Anyway, here are a few thousand pictures of our 2022 holiday home decor including our new frosty tree (which is going to look really cool next year when those walls are teal).

The view from outside…

“Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.”
Peg Bracken

“As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.”
Donald E. Westlake

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”
Hamilton Wright Mabie

By the way, if you have wondered what 5 feet of snow melting looks like, it looks something like this…

Inside my living room…

“Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.”
Janice Maeditere

“Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It’s discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values.”
Thomas S. Monson

Into my dining room…

“When we recall Christmas past, we usually find that the simplest things – not the great occasions – give off the greatest glow of happiness.”
Bob Hope

Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.”
Helen Steiner Rice

“For it is in giving that we receive.”
Francis of Assisi

I don’t know if any of you remember the Adventures of Naughty Rudolph from two years ago, but NR is back at his old Christmas shenanigans again including a fishing expedition last night when he caught Ralph’s axolotl Zeus!

Also, if you recall I mentioned earlier this year that my kids are at this prepubescent stage where penis jokes are the funniest thing ever. When we were sorting through Christmas ornaments, I walked into this display at one point…

It drives me crazy and I have tried to fight them on it. But then I remembered that I had a similar fascination with such things when I hit puberty. And I figured I am never going to win this battle. And when you can’t beat them, sometimes it’s best to just join them. Like Naughty Rudolph did the other night…

Oh my.
We attended Jeff’s company Christmas party on Saturday evening. It was a really fun time with some really weird folks! I didn’t take a single photo of myself either. Pictured below are Jeff and two of his co-workers, Roman (a real life Naughty Rudolph) and Eric.

And in case you haven’t seen it yet, you should definitely check out my dear friend Monica Hayworth in Season 21 Episode 57 of Dr. Phil on the topic of Cult Vibes. It was a great episode and it is the only episode of Dr. Phil that I ever watched!
This is where I am going to leave off for today. I hope you all have a holiday season that is filled with much love and laughter.
“At Christmas, all roads lead home.”
Marjorie Holmes
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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Sally in St Paul
I really like the twine garland with the ornaments hanging from it – I’ve not seen that done before. As for your kids…haha, I have to admit that was pretty funny.
Thanks, Sally! The twine garland came to me when I was sorting through all the ornaments. I got rid of all the broken ones and then sorted them by style/genre. When I had them all laid in a row, this garland idea became clear and it was easy as can be to do. Maybe next year, I should prank my kids with penis garland! Hahaha
Anne M Bray
Yay for renewed Christmas spirit!
I, too, have felt grinchy about ALL the holidays that start in October. For YEARS! And there MIGHT be a change in my attitude as well. Severo got some light up Christmas bulb necklaces at a Venice Holiday Lights event, so there’s that.
Loving all your seasonal pix (even the penii haha). Your first, with the Fire Video above the dark fireplace – LOL.
Merry merry and happy happy!
Aw, thanks so much, my friend! My kids slowly got me into the Halloween spirit and now Christmas is making its way into my heart, too. I am so glad someone noticed my fire over the fireplace placement! Haha. Our fireplace is currently out of working order and on the list of things to do when I paint the living room. So for now, a television fire is what we’ve got! I love that Severo picked up Christmas bulb necklaces. Now all you need are some crazy hats and scarves and you will be completely suited for “holiday spirit”!
Wow,I want to spend Thanksgiving with you! What a gigantic menu! It looks so delicious. I loved to see all the photos and get a idea of how you spend the holidays, and showed it to Gerben too. We had to laugh out loud about the drawing of course. Gerben said, at least it is a happy dick!
I think I forgot to mention that I made duck soup with the duck carcass and that came out so amazing! I might go edit that into the post now!
Wow always astounded to see how early your snow hits but what a warm Christmas scene you’ve created inside for your family.
Thanks so much, Pamela! We tend to get the most snow when the weather is still warm-ish. One little dip in the temperature with precipitation will pull all the warm water off of Lake Ontario and then dump feet of snow on us. It is an astounding phenomena to witness. But it is also a giant pain to clear away!
Suzy Turner
I love that you’re really getting into the Christmas spirit this year, Shelbee, and your home looks so beautiful and inspiring. Sadly, I’m struggling to get into it this year. I think it’s because my MIL is no longer with us, and Christmas was always so much about her. Her husband is coming to stay over Christmas though, and he hasn’t left England for over 30 years! It’ll be interesting, and hopefully we can make Christmas a little special for him.
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, dear Suzy! I imagine this Christmas is going to be difficult for you all. I am really glad that your MIL’s husband is coming to spend the holiday’s with you. It will be nice for you all to be together. Sending much love and healing energy your way, my friend.
I love your new tree! The house looks so festive. I am also loving those saltine toffee varieties; we tend to add a huge cup of PB to ours and sprinkle with various things from M&M’s to Heath bars… and now I want to mix up a batch!
Thanks, Joanne! I have used peanut butter chips on our cookies but never actual peanut butter. Now I must give that a try, too! I like salted caramel chips melted with crumbled pretzels on top, too. I tried it with pretzel crisps in place of the saltines but it turned out a mess. A delicious mess, but still a mess. So the second time, I went back to saltines and crumbled up pretzel sticks on top. That would be good on chocolate, too. Yum. I just ate a stack of these darn things for breakfast! Ugh.
I LOVE Christmas crack lol! But I’ve never had it with saltines!
Curated by Jennifer
It is so fun to try different combinations of flavors! White chocolate chips with strawberry candy canes tastes like strawberry milk. And I do one with salted caramel chips and crumble pretzels on top. You need to tweak it further for your dietary restrictions though. But I think any time you combine brown sugar and butter, you get deliciousness no matter what you put it on!
Amy Johnson
I’m so happy you found the Christmas spirit. Your Thanksgiving meal looks incredible. And oh my, 5 feet of snow melting. I hope you’re not experiencing any flood issues.
Thanks so much, Amy! We got a little bit of water in the basement which happens sometimes so we have the basement set up to handle it. We just can’t ever have a finished basement!
Nicole from High Latitude Style
The home decoration is so cozy and great. Sorry about the great mess from melting snow in your yard. That looks like end of April/early May in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Thanks so much, Nicole! I have to stay as cozy as I can indoors when the outside looks like that!
It sounds like your family is having the most wonderful time! Your decorations are gorgeous. The food looks delicious. And your sons’ penis from ornaments cracked me up.
Thank you, Michelle! We are definitely enjoying being festive this time of year! But if my kids add one more thing to their Christmas lists, I am going to scream!
What fun to scroll through the pics of your Christmas decorations and preparations! I hope you and your family enjoy a fabulous holiday season. Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 44.
Thanks so much, Carol! Many blessings to you and your family this holiday season!
Patrick Weseman
What a nice Thanksgiving. All the food looks so yummy. Very nice. Love all of your Christmas decorations. Very cool. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thanks so much! I really appreciate that. I hope your week is going well!
Mica - Away From The Blue
It’s so nice to see all your christmas decorations, and your tree looks beautiful! 🙂
Thank you for the link up! Hope you are having a lovely day.
Aw, thanks so much, Mica! I hope you have a lovely holiday season!
Marsha Banks
Your Christmas-y house is perfect! I love all of the old merged with the new! I really like your flocked tree with the oversized ornaments! I can see why your boys want to hang out there. You definitely have a way with decorating your house, Shelbee! I can’t wait to see your room painted teal, too, though I like the tree against the white (?) walls. We have a nativity we bought the first year we were married (does that make it an antique, I wonder). It’s so threadbare, but it has such meaning for me so I keep it. I have to keep it up high because Jack thinks Mary is quite fun to gnaw on! Thanks for the link party, too!
Aw, thanks so much, Marsha! I do enjoy decorating but then I also get so overwhelmed by the decorating decisions that I don’t want to do it! The walls in my living room are like a bland cream color that I absolutely hate. It shows every little dirty hand print and all the other stuff that somehow manages to get on the walls. I am cracking up at Jack’s special fondness for Mary! LOL
Laura Bambrick
We love Christmas crack! It’s definitely a tradition in our family. I’ve made 6 batches so far and I’m sure there will be many more!
It really is so addictive, isn’t it?! What kind of spins do you put on it?
Emma Peach
Your house looks so festive and cosy, I love it! My husband still does rude drawings – often in my diary and on my shopping lists when I’m not looking so I get a surprise when I take it out of my bag in the supermarket! He’ll never grow up!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! Oh my goodness, I just laughed out loud about your husband’s surprise drawings! My husband just sends me GIFs with these things because he proclaims he is not very good at drawing! Hahaha.
Your Thanksgiving feast looks delicious! Love seeing all of your pretty Christmas decor! Your garland is super cute!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! Happy Holidays!
Could I invite myself round for Thanksgiving next year? The duck and everything else looks mouth-watering! So glad you’re in the festive vibe. Nice when it happens. No decorations up at Mutton Towers yet, but hoping the vibe will find me! Thanks for linking
Gail, if you are in New York next November, you are definitely invited to Thanksgiving at my house! I never made duck before but everyone seemed really pleased with the outcome. Ralph loved eating the wings and legs. I wasn’t a huge fan of the duck by itself but when I made the duck soup with roasted mushrooms and truffle salt, it was like an explosion of heaven in my mouth! I hope you have a lovely holiday season at Mutton Towers…with or without decorations!
I am loving all your Christmas decorations!! The white tree looks fabulous and how fun is the twine garland with all the forest creatures! So glad you and your family enjoyed decorating for the holidays. It gets harder for me as the kids get older and never seem to have time. I want to make decorating the tree a familiy affair but we haven’t had a chance yet, at least my son and I finally got our tree brought up from the basement so right now at least we have a lit up tree. Hopefully we can decorate tomorrow!!
So much melted snow!!!
Thanks so much, Ellie! If my kids didn’t get into helping decorate, I probably wouldn’t have much motivation to do it either! At least you have the lighted tree up. I love the soft lights of a Christmas tree with my early morning coffee. So I usually take down all the decorations on January 1, but leave the tree with just the lights up until February when it starts getting a little lighter in the mornings. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, my friend!
Hi, it’s me, again! Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 45.
Thanks, Carol! Happy holidays!