Angels for Your Soul Giveaway & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #252
I have a friend who talks to angels. Sometimes I talk to angels, too. So when she decided to start sharing her gift with others, I wanted to hear what her angels had to say. But before we get to my Angel message, I want to share a bit about my very gifted friend, Brooke.
I have known Brooke since the day she was born. Her parents and older brother moved into the house across the street from us when I was very young. Her brother Joe was my very best friend all through elementary school. As a result of that early childhood friendship and our neighborly proximity, our families became lifelong friends. In fact, Brooke’s mother Denise was my sister Lori’s very best friend for over 30 years until she passed away two years ago, leaving my sister devastated and lost without her daily dose of Denisio (that was the nickname Brooke’s mom acquired when we were very young to distinguish her from a certain other person with the same name).
Just five months before Denisio passed away, her husband Bernie, Brooke’s dad, passed away. And just a few short months back, her brother Joe also departed this world. While Brooke has a beautiful little family of her own (a husband and two children), she is still trying to find her footing after losing her brother and both parents in just two years time. In light of her loss, however, Brooke has started focusing on her gift as a means to keep her mother’s gift and legacy going strong. Because, you see, Denisio also talked to angels. And people who can talk to angels are very special people indeed. I am blessed to know these special people and to call them friends.
Here is Brooke’s story in her own words about her special gift and how she is choosing to use it in order to offer hope, joy, light, and optimism to those who need it.
You may be wondering what exactly is an Angel message. Well, it is similar to a Tarot reading but with entirely different cards. Tarot readings provide a picture of your past, present, and future to help you better understand yourself with regard to a specific situation. There is a psychic and mystical component to Tarot readings where an Angel reading simply provides divine guidance and gentle encouragement that can be applied broadly and generally to one’s life. There are a bunch of other differences between the two types of readings which are outlined in easy to follow detail in this article: The Difference Between an Angel Reading and a Tarot Reading.
Take a look at my Angel message below…
Hello and good evening, Michelle!
Thank you for signing up for an Angel message. I invite the Archangels, my Spirit Guides, and my loved ones that have passed to assist in the message. I will shuffle my Angel cards, select the card(s) that jumps out, and channel the message from the Angels through me for the person’s best and highest good. I provide a picture of the card that comes out, along with the Spirit-guided message from the Angels. I do ask your loved ones that have passed to assist with the message meant for you.
I was asked by Spirit to pull a card from three decks that I have. It’s amazing how Spirit can get three separate sets of cards to correspond with the message! I shuffled the cards and below are each that came out from the three different decks:

And the channeled message is:
“Your soul is on its path to your true north. You’re starting to receive exactly what fulfills you in love and prosperity. Keep manifesting both aspects of your soul, and all of it will come to fruition. The card Milk and Honey represents that you have reached ‘the land of milk and honey’ that everyone wants to experience. It’s a sweet time in your life. Keep pulling that positive energy in towards you to continue the manifesting of such life. When you take on any challenge, you race in like the Knight of Air that is represented on the second card. And you do a phenomenal, intelligent job, while accomplishing the challenge! Sometimes you take charge so diligently, that you may forget you deserve to take it at a slower pace. Since you are very smart, continue to tread slowly and lightly. Your heart is so big that it may take over your head. That’s okay! It’s just knowing to be aware and take a step back sometimes. The light you shine attracts people easily to you. You shine such a light of brilliance. Because you are a powerful light and beacon, so many are automatically attracted to you. To remain in the most brilliant of light, just visualize the room lighting up and around you with energy. This will always help you with protecting yourself from any kind of energy that comes around you. If you ever stumble upon a negative headspace, sit in the light that is swirling all around you to manifest happiness and joy. I was guided to tell you to ask on Archangel Jeremiel to assist you in any situation you are brought around and to always see the light. The Angels love you and want you to always be happy, light, peaceful, and joyful.”
Have a blessed day, Brooke from Angels for Your Soul
When I first read my Angel message, I cried. Real tears started streaming down my face. Jeff and I have been living in somewhat of a dream land since he retired this past summer and it really does feel like the Land of Milk and Honey. And I have always felt my internal light burning an everlasting glow. Regardless of how dim it may become at times, it never ever extinguishes. Now I know why…because the Angels are all around me, supporting this Knight of Air in my lifelong battle against darkness.
I reread my message yesterday because my spirit and energy were feeling more negative than positive and I didn’t like it one bit. Rereading these words of joy and optimism really helped to redirect my perspective. I even reached out to Brooke yesterday regarding the imbalance of energy that I was feeling. She offered to simply draw another card from her Angel deck…without a reading…just to see what it said. And it was this…

Brooke’s only message when she pulled this card for me was, “You can’t make this stuff up.” And she’s right, you really can’t! In fact, my father’s spirit came to visit me last week. I had just pulled into my driveway and as I put the car in park, I smelled that old familiar smell of dirty tires, diesel fuel, and cigarettes. There is never any confusion when I catch that scent in the air. It is my father coming to tell me something. When I caught the aroma in my car, I simply closed my eyes and allowed it to wash over me. Then I talked to my dad to see what exactly he was trying to tell me. He rarely gives me a clear and concise answer. Sometimes it is in the form of the music playing on the radio and other times it is just a sense of safety and security that I feel. This particular time last week, however, what I felt stronger than any other emotion was approval…overall blanket approval of my life and everything in it, I think. It was a really nice feeling, for sure. Thanks, Dad, I needed that!
I don’t know if you believe in Angels or if you talk to them or not, but I do and it always brings me comfort, security, hope, and joy. Angel readings are a wonderful gift idea this holiday season as well. You can purchase one for yourself or for a loved one who may need messages of hope and encouragement. Check out Brooke’s current pricing and holiday offer below. You can schedule your own personal Angel Reading with Brooke just by clicking the link and choosing a date to receive your message.
Brooke is also giving away an Angel reading to one of my lucky readers. In fact, once the Rafflecopter giveaway below ends, I am going to choose two winners. One on Brooke and one on me! So get your entries in now. I will choose the winners in two weeks and announce them here just in time for Christmas!
Follow the Rafflecopter instructions below for multiple chances to win your personalized message of light and love from the Angels.
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Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish

Fashion Favorite: Darlene of Aquamarina Style

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This is so interesting! I talk to my brother and spirit guides frequently!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! I had a feeling you would appreciate this post! I need to get more into spirit work. I just can’t find time for anything extra these days!
jess jannenga
Thank you for the feature Shelbee. This was interesting to read. I do like to hear other’s thoughts on Spirituality and what they beleive in. I do pray and I think of my pups as my Guardian Angels as we got them at the most difficult part of my life- when I first had EDS.
It was interesting to read about your card reading and connecting to it. Also, hearing about your dad and his presence. I feel that with my Dad and have dreams of him too.
Hope you have a great week!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! Oh, your pups are definitely some kind of guardians! I always felt that with my cats especially during the really bad times in my life. I have not dreamed of my father in a really long time. But in the years immediately following his death, he would visit me frequently in my dreams…and he was always naked for some reason. It disturbed me to the point that I sought help from my counselor on how to make it stop. She told me to just tell him to put some clothes on in my dreams because it made me uncomfortable. So the next time he appeared in a dream, he was naked at the dining room table. In my dream, I remember pounding my fists on the table and yelling at him to put some damn clothes on, please. He never appeared naked after that! Whether it was actually his spirit or me just controlling my own subconscious, I don’t know. But a least I don’t have dreams of my dead father naked any more! Haha.
Interesting post. Years back someone told me that I have a lot of angels around me. That is a warm feeling.
Thanks, Nancy! I think that you definitely have angels all around you, my friend!
While the idea is talking with angels is nice, and even comforting, I believe it is a dangerous game to try to harness their guidance like tarot card reading. . First, the Bible says the dead know nothing, nor do they speak. Ecclesiastes 9:5-6. Of course we have guardian angels, but reading cards, palms, horoscopes, and the like are not in line with how God leads. Yes, there is a power, but not all angels are from God. There are many deceptions. Please seek to know and understand God and the truth that He has provided in the Bible. He doesn’t want us to be deceived. The counterfeit often appears similar to the genuine.
Praying for discernment.
Blessings to you,
Laurie, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this post. The thing about religion and religious beliefs is that we all find what suits us best through our personal experiences in life. A little known fact about me is that I have an undergraduate degree in Religious Studies. When one looks at these things in an academic environment, it shapes one’s belief system in an entirely different way from the way I was shaped growing up in a Christian church. After much religious exploration and a whole lot of living, I have come to a place where I take comfort in trusting the energy of the Universe instead of the more narrow tenets of any one human-constructed religious system. I have not arrived here blindly…I have studied and read and I have talked to counselors and religious advisors and academics all through my life which has all contributed to the formation of my own religious and spiritual beliefs. Unfortunately, no matter how you approach life, religious or not, there will always be good and evil. And the good people, regardless of what they believe, will continue to fight the good fight to keep love and kindness alive and well in a very scary and often dark world. A world where people need acceptance and hope and joy more than anything else right now. I appreciate and respect your views and am always willing to engage in a thoughtful discussion. Religion has been one of my very favorite topics since I was teenager. I guess that is why I went on to study it in college. I thank you so very much for reading and replying to this post. May you continue to shine your light and love into the world!
Suzy Turner
WOW, Brooke sounds like such a wonderful human being, and how utterly horrendous what is that she lost so many dear family members in such a short period of time? I can’t even begin to imagine the pain she must’ve felt.
Your reading was amazing, Shelbee. It certainly seemed to capture you and your life right now!
I talk to my ‘angels’ (we call them Creatures of Light) when I meditate in the morning after yoga. It always feels good to let them know what I’m grateful for.
Huge hugs to you both,
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so much! Yes, Brooke has definitely had some serious soul and heart ache these past years. But she is finding her way with some pretty powerful divine guidance. I love that you call your angels Creatures of Light. What tradition is that from? I like it and may want to learn more! And you know how I swear by daily gratitude practices…I’ll meditate with these Light Creatures on gratitude any day! Teach me, please.
The thing that jumped out at me is, “Your heart is so big that it may take over your head.” I love that and it truly does fit you. I really don’t believe in Angels but I’m glad you find solace in those words. We all need to find that place to go to change our mindset or fill our souls. I’m glad you found yours. And hey, thanks for featuring my photo, my friend. I’m most excited about the cookie post you featured, however! Lol!
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so very much! That line jumped out at me as well and made me chuckle! It is a very accurate description of my heart and head. Haha.
And then this jumped at me from your comment…”I really don’t believe in Angels but I’m glad you find solace in those words.” That is exactly how everyone person should respond to a post like this if you don’t really believe in what I am talking about! Gosh, I adore you, my friend! I have been saying this same thing for my entire adult life about religious and spiritual beliefs in particular…if what you believe harms no one and brings you a sense of peace and comfort and safety and whatever else you need, then by all means, you should embrace that belief wholeheartedly. Just because one belief system doesn’t suit me, doesn’t mean it can’t save someone else! Hmmm…wouldn’t a philosophy like that change the world? It could end all wars!
But let’s shift from religious wars to cookies! I need to start making some cookies and so I had to feature Cindy’s big cookie recipe post! I don’t know if you follow Cindy’s blog, but she shares some really amazing recipes. I love her holiday themed ones.
I hope you are having a blessed week, my friend!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I can’t imagine losing three family members in such a short timeframe. I’ve never heard of Angel Readings, but I had a Tarot reading done a long, long time ago at a convention I went to with a friend when I was in high school. I think they even recorded it on a cassette tape. It’d be intersting to go back and listen to it now! There is a mom that passed away way too early at my daughter’s old school in 5th grade. They say sometimes in their house they ‘feel’ her. I find the afterlife all so mysterious.
Carrie, thanks so much for reading and commenting. Strangely, when I was growing up my mother thought tarot was very evil so I actually have never had a tarot reading done because my mother frightened me! But now her spirit hangs around all the time! I know it’s two totally different things, but I think tarot is misunderstood. I do, however, really like the idea of the angel readings for a positive uplifting message to get through the tough times! It leans more to the spiritual than the mystical which is a little less confusing to understand, for me at least. I guess none of us will really know what exists after life until we leave this life though! I hope you are having a fabulous week, my friend.
What a powerful reading! My heart goes out to Brooke with so much loss in such a short time but how wonderful for her to find a way to share her gift.
Joanne, thank you so much for reading and commenting. Brooke is definitely one tough cookie and I am so grateful to be able to support my friend as she finds the best way to share her gift and heal her heart. I hope you are having a blessed week!
Hi, Shelbee – I believe more than ever before that the magic is real. My mother sent me messages when she was passing to the other side and actually appeared before me, though fleetingly, in my darkest hour. I will never get over her spiritual power and feel more able to connect with the light than ever before. I am very happy for you. You deserve joy. Thanks for sharing your gifts with the world – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Oh wow, Angie, thank you so much for sharing your experience with your mother’s passing. My parents’ spirits have always been strong around me ever since they died and that is evidence enough for me to believe that they are there to protect and guide me. And Brooke’s mom hangs around fairly frequently guiding both her daughter and my sister. Two years after her death and I know my sister still has daily conversations with her best friend. It is very powerful stuff that serves to make us feel good! I hope you are having a blessed week, my friend.
Marsha Banks
I’m not sure how I feel about Angels among us. Maybe it’s more I feel a spirituality. I don’t know. I just can’t put it into words. I talk to God regularly. I think He answers me in ways I don’t know or understand. If I’m facing something really tough, I pray to Mary (I’m not Catholic, but everyone listens to their mom, right?). And, when I’m really in need, I pray to my mom and dad to ask them to intercede. I feel deeply there is an afterlife. I don’t know what it entails. My mom, the night before she died, told me she had died the night before (are you following that). She was in the hospital with pneumonia brought on by her COPD. I figured she’d just had a really vivid dream. But, her words stuck with me (it’s been almost 18 years). She said it was beautiful and she didn’t need glasses, oxygen or anything. I wish I’d stayed with her and talked more about it. I wish I’d asked if she’d seen Dad. All I know is the certainty and the joy in her eyes as she talked about the afterlife. She passed a few hours later. I know she went willingly, and I think she didn’t go the night before because she HAD to tell me about her experience. I love that you smell your dad and know he’s there. There are times I smell Mom’s perfume or a whiff of her cigarette and know she’s near. This post has me in tears, Shelbee, but they’re tears of relief and joy. Thank you for a beautiful post!
Marsha, your comment has me in tears! Thank you so much for sharing your beliefs and your experience with your mother’s passing. The night my mother passed, she kept talking to my father who had passed 11 years previously. When we asked who she was talking to, she told us it was Dad and that he was standing right at the foot of her bed waiting for her. She also spoke of Jerry waiting for her that night. Jerry was her fiancé who did not return from the war in Vietnam…about a year later, still grieving, my mother met my father. And my family remained close with Jerry’s family for my entire lifetime. So, yeah, I am with you on the afterlife stuff…I feel my parents around me often and I suppose that’s good enough to make me a believer.
I wrote an article on Medium about my experience with my father’s passing that I think you might enjoy as well…There is a Certain Beauty in Death.
I hope you are having a blessed week, my friend!
I can’t imagine suffering so many profound losses as Brooke did in such a short amount of time. My heart goes to her. She sounds like a such a lovely person, and a great friend to have for life.
I had one episode of clairvoyance many years ago. My dad had had his pacemaker anout 6 months prior. His 6 month check up revealed he was using it only about 3% of the time. Great news! This was June 2010. We frequently hosted a mini family reunion at Thanksgiving, and this year he was a bit nervous about keeping up with his hard drinking brother and nephews. (Yes, my dad, his brother, and one of his nephews could be described s functional alcoholics.) I was mulling over how to explain to my cousins that they needed to be gentle with their uncle while I was quilting. Unbidden came the realization that the explanation wouldn’t be necessary because my dad would be dead by then. You can imagine my surprise and confusion. But the reality was the information – if accurate – did me no good. And of course I was disbelieving that I could have my fore-knowledge. I’d hoped it would be just be a memory to be laughed at as we all celebrated around the Thanksgiving table. He died August 2nd.
So my own personal explanation is that somehow my brain put together signs / symptoms /etc that I wasn’t conscious of. I didn’t experience it as being told by an outside entity. I just knew. But I think when these things happen we put it in a context that is most familiar to us. Is one explanation more right than another? I can’t make that claim. But I do know that sometimes we know things without knowing how we know.
I love this description of your dad: “old familiar smell of dirty tires, diesel fuel, and cigarettes.” When I was a child my dad smelled like cigarettes, rum & coke, and the leather jacket he often wore then. It was a good combination of smells to me.
Michelle, I really like your explanation of a clairvoyant type experience. I think we probably all have them but we tend to ignore them because generally those premonitions and feelings do turn out to be nothing at all. It is only when a feeling comes true that we start to question why we knew it was coming. Honestly, for me, it’s all about the energy field that connects all things. I might call the energy angels or god or whatever other name anyone has ever called the thing which we know nothing about! But for me, it is still all just the ever existing, all encompassing field of energy that drives all things. Maybe some of us are just tapped into that energy a little better so we can maneuver it and feel where it is going sometimes. That is a crazy story about your father though. And I am sorry it played out the way it did. But you know that at the end of it all, we really have no control over much of anything in this life! Thanks so much for sharing your story and your thoughts on this topic! I love these types of conversations!
Laura Bambrick
This sounds really interesting! I’ve never heard of that type of a reading before. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much, Laura! It really is just all about the good feelings!
Cheryl Shops
I saw an intuitive psychic once and when I sat down, she immediately said, “I smell mandarin oranges,” then after a moment said, “your grandma is asking if you want some” and I burst into tears. My grandma LOVED mandarin oranges, and seriously how would the psychic have known that?! Long story short, I believe we all have angels watching over us; clearly I do!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Oh my goodness, Cheryl, I love that story! Doesn’t it bring you such comfort to know that your grandmother is looking out for you?!
I’m interested in angels. I’ve seen feathers appearing in unexpected places on anniversaries, and it got me thinking. Brooke sounds lovely, and I’m all in favour of finding balm for our sadness and struggles, whether it’s angels, astrology or religion. Thanks for linking Shelbee
Thanks so much, Gail! I share your same approach to these things…if something helps you get through the days and it is not harmful to others, then I say embrace whatever it is and live your best life! I am very intrigued by your recent spotting of feathers. I have heard that the angels do leave symbolic things lying around for us to find!
Patrick Weseman
So very interesting, thanks for sharing. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are doing good.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Things are going well…just super busy and tired! I hope all is well with you, my friend.