About Blogging and Link Ups & Link Up On the Edge #141

I am reading a lot of buzz around the world of blogging about link ups and the new Inlinkz formatting and such. Lots of bloggers are having issues setting the link parties and the time at which they go live. Others are having problems adding their posts to the parties with the new formatting. So far, I have not had too much trouble creating the parties or joining them. My only issue currently is that I am being charged twice a month for the service. For those of you who do not host link parties, you may not be aware that there is a fee associated with hosting these parties. The old link up format was $2.99 a month to be able to show thumbnail images and titles for each post added. The new format went up to $7.99 a month. And while I no longer have access to the old Inlinkz program, I am still being charged the $2.99 a month in addition to the $7.99 a month. However, since I don’t have access to the old one anymore, I can’t even log into it to cancel my subscription. That is quite the little problem!

(Thank you, Emily, for making me try on this sweater! It is currently one of my favorites and I would have never even considered it if not for your suggestion…you talented little sales person!)

And honestly, I think $7.99 is a bit steep for this service in general. But I do love hosting my two link parties every week. It is a way for bloggers to come together and find some fantastic posts all in one place. It is also a really great way to keep me on a posting schedule! While I will occasionally abandon my other posts for the week, I generally always have something ready on Tuesdays and Fridays. And you all know that consistency is key in this fickle world of blogging. So I pay the monthly fee as a necessary expense to keep myself going. But I do need to figure out how to discontinue the extra fee.

In any event, if you received my recent email reminder, you know that I have noticed a significant drop in posts joining my parties especially when I temporarily discontinued sending email reminders (that is a different topic and not really worth rehashing or addressing here). That being said, I have also noticed a large drop in participation at other link parties that I join on a weekly basis. This observation triggered me to start thinking about the relevance of link parties in the world of blogging.

And then I received an email from my dear friend Nina of Sharing a Journey asking for my input on this exact topic. She is having issues with the new Inlinkz format and has also noticed a drop in the traffic to these blogging parties. The question she posed to me was along these lines…Is there some new way to bring our blogging friends together each week to maintain and nurture this wonderful community?

So many of us rely on this community for networking, for inspiration, for empowerment, for friendship, for connection, for help, for any variety of reasons that we continue on creating and sharing our own unique content. I brainstormed for a few days on Nina’s inquiry and honestly I have come up with nothing. So I pose the question to you. Since this is our community, I figure we are in this together and any ideas would be amazing to consider and see what we can come up with collaboratively.

Of course, there are all of the social media platforms where we all share when we have published new content. There are a multitude of Facebook groups that come together for this exact purpose. But I have to be honest, I belong to so many Facebook groups of this nature that I simply get overwhelmed by the sheer number of them and I can’t keep track. As a result, I rarely actively participant in any of them. It is simply too much to keep up with. So what tends to happen for me is that I just focus on content creation and then I run out of time for much of anything else…because this is life. And we are forever running out of time.

And then I feel disconnected from you all. The ones who stop by here every day and read what I share. I am immensely grateful for that, but I feel like I am failing you a bit by never reaching out and asking, “Hey, what do you want to see here? Why do you visit? And am I meeting your needs and expectations?” I guess I have been feeling a little selfish and self absorbed with just trying to stay on top of creating new content that I forgot to consider my audience.

So in the interest of reconnecting, reevaluating, and reassessing this entire blogging journey, I would love for you all to share your thoughts with me on these topics. I could have created a survey with specific directed questions, but frankly, I have no time to figure how to create a survey! So instead, I will just leave the open ended question here for you to answer however you please in the comments. I learned through my million years of schooling that open ended questions elicit more detailed answers anyway!

So for me and Nina and any other bloggers who have been thinking these same thoughts, please do share any ideas you have. Even the ones that may seem a little crazy or silly, they might very well be the best ones! And even if you are not a blogger but read blogs occasionally, let us know what you think as well. How can we improve? How can we freshen up this game a bit? What can we do to keep this world of blogging interesting, relevant, and necessary?

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Ashley of Le Stylo Rouge shared her post, Sailor Girl Chic with Kindred Shops + Knitted Belle. Ashley is looking super cute in this sassy sailor girl meets athleisure style, rocking the chunky dad sneakers all day long!

Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots shared her post, Navy Floral and Sage Green. This is one of the prettiest color combinations I have seen for Spring so far! Jennie always creates unique outfit pairings that leave me inspired!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Kellyann Rohr
Wow, I had no idea how much the price went up! I hope you can get the whole double charge thing sorted out because that is crazy!
Your outfit is anything but crazy though. I love it – that sweet sweater and the knit hat – precious. That coat is fabulous – LOVE!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! Actually, I emailed them about the double charge and it was fixed and refunded immediately (thanks, Maria from inlinkz!). The coat was part of the Victoria Beckham collab with Target a few years ago and it remains one of my favorites!
Wishing you a very happy Easter and a lovely weekend, my friend!
That’s a tough question Shelbee. I would suggest sending out the email again? xx
Thank you, Laurie! I will be sending my reminder emails again on a consistent basis! I am just wondering what else we can do to stay connected in the land of blogging! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Claire Justine
I love the new inlinz layout now I am use to it. I think it is great.. but I didn’t join in for a while because I had to log into one of my social media channels which we didn’t have to before. Maybe this is why people are struggling to join? I’m like you, I love hosting the hops. I looked into changing to inlinz but I do think it is expensive at the side of what I pay per year with mine. Thanks for hosting lovely. Great outfit. Love your jumper. Always up for any blogging collaborations or challenges if you have any fun ideas.
Claire, thanks so much for the lovely compliment and for sharing your input on the topic. I do love all the blog hops, too, and I join a bunch on a daily basis. I just open my link up page which lists them all by the day they open and I go right down the list. And now that I have gotten a handle on the new inlinkz layout, I actually think it is a bit easier and more efficient to add links than the old one. And I forgot you use the other linky tool which has not changed.
I also love a good blogger collaboration! I will definitely brainstorm some ideas and let you know! I would love to collaborate with you on something! Fun.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Claire Justine
Whoop just though. I dont check emails often but I am on Twitter regularly and always join in any blog hops I’ve been mentioned in. Maybe you could tweet people who has joined in a reminder? I would be straight over then as I do forget which blog hops are where and when as I’m always catching up and end up popping over when they are closed X
Thank you for that suggestion, Claire! I rarely ever login to my Twitter account, but I do tweet every single blog post that I visit. I guess it would be easy to tweet my own posts especially when I have a blog hop open and tag those who have joined before. Actually, I have seen others do that. You have done that, haven’t you? I forget that just because I don’t often use Twitter doesn’t mean that others are not active on that platform. I need to get better at my social media game!
I didn’t even noticed that the price had gone up. I checked and in April I still payed the old price. I had a small drop of links but not that much but I did have that weird thing with the emails. I do think that linkups aren’t as special as they used to be. Also I find it hard to find supporting bloggers. You know that I have said before that in the Netherlands they are totally not supportive so I am very happy with my ,,group of blogger friends,, abroad. I think we should just hang in there and make sure we are seen!
Nancy, you are awesome! I love your positive attitude! Which is probably why we are such great friends! I am so thankful for this amazing community of bloggers as well. We have found our tribe, for sure, so you don’t need the ones who aren’t supportive. I am going to keep on with my two link ups, but I am just wondering what can we do to keep things interesting?!
By the way, I was trying to comment on your post today and I kept getting a server error. I don’t know if that is on my end or yours. But there are other comments on your post, so it might be a problem on my end. I will try again in a bit. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Kathrine Eldridge
I had no idea that link ups cost anything. Thanks for eduction and for offering them to all of us. As far as what I want to see, I would love to see a glimpse into your everyday life. I wish we all would share this more. Love this sweater and thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thanks so much for your feedback! And I don’t mind paying the small fee to host the parties because I really do love them! I am glad that they are appreciated. Oooh, more of my every day life! I have been sharing bits and pieces more and more lately (like the post I wrote drunk after my kids stole my pizza…hahaha). I have plans to start sharing more intimate details of my lifestyle, but fear is still holding me back a little…I am getting there slowly but surely though. Stay tuned! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I prefer linkups to facebook groups. I’m with you, there are so many and it’s hard to keep up with, plus I don’t feel like the engagement is reciprocated. There are definitely certain times of year where I see less traffic on my blog but overall, I’m not sure what we can do about it except just continue to do what we love to do.
Hearts are my favorite shape and that sweater is adorable! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thanks so much for your feedback on this topic. I pretty much agree with you that the best course of action is to just continue on doing what we love. I scroll through some of the Facebook groups, even the ones I share posts on, and I get overwhelmed by how much great content is out there and then I can’t find the time to read it all. That makes me sad because I want to read it all but I also get so much joy from writing that I need to make time for that as well. Oh, it is one of life’s great struggles, I suppose…the issue of time! I hope you have a blessed weekend, my friend!
You know I’ve been having problems for the past two months, and now I can’t even post to your link up this morning. Plus the code isn’t working on my site. I have been talking to Maria on the weekly. I hate letting my link up go, but I am now at the point that it hasn’t worked for my readers in three weeks, and now I can’t share a post on other people’s link ups any more either.
The bigger question is if we don’t do link ups, how can we keep our community together? I agree with you on the Facebook thing too. I am added to so many FB groups I can’t keep them straight, and am spending less time on Facebook anyway.
Nina, thanks for bringing up the topic for discussion! I am wondering if the problem maybe isn’t inlinkz but something in your hosting or your blog template that is not cooperating? I don’t know if you have already looked into that. And I don’t spend much time on social media either other than just to share a post or tweet someone else’s post. I just don’t have the time between working, creating content, and family life, I just run out of time every single day! I am going to keep brainstorming on the topic and hope that we get some great suggestions in response to this post! Keep in touch with me via email and we will figure something out, I’m sure. Now go take the weekend off from your blogging issues and relax, my friend!
I love your linkup- and thank you so much for the feature! That is such a bummer about the double charge- hopefully it gets sorted soon!
I personally like linkups- I think they’re a great way to find new blogger pals!
Le Stylo Rouge
Ashley, thanks so much! I do love the link ups as well, both hosting and joining others. It is such a great way to meet others in the blogging community. I did get the double charge sorted out. I just sent an email and Maria from inlinkz had it resolved it minutes and refunded a few months of the double charge. I hope you have a great weekend. Thanks for inspiring me!
Pam Ecrement
Thanks for all the info about link parties and the cost, etc. I do not host a link party, but participate in many and didn’t know about the extra expense to the host or hosts. Link parties are something I participate in daily. I enjoy seeing what other bloggers are doing and writing and have made some great online friends that way. I would not have even discovered them without the link parties. The format allows us to encourage on another and improve our own efforts on the web. I always gain tips and ideas from those who are more experienced. I especially am blessed by hosts who sometimes feature a post of mine or take a minute occasionally to comment.
I have noticed a reduction in parties and also a season now where some bloggers are taking a break or stepping back on how often they blog. I get that. Everything has a season, but i (like you) benefit from consistency and blog Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. I have been blogging for nearly 4 years and I don’t have any specific suggestions on the things you lay out, but love that you asked us and clued us in on some things. Do keep us posted.
Pam, thank you so much for the feedback! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and to link up with me every week. I love the link parties, too, for the same reasons as you. I have discovered so many amazing new people through them by hosting and joining them. I have been at this for nearly 4 years myself and I can’t imagine my life without blogging at this point. It is so essentially a part of me and how I maintain my creativity and stay connected with the world! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend, my friend!
Emma Peach
I feel exactly the same Shelbee! I’ve had so little time I’ve just had to focus on creating content. I’ve lost my motivation a bit and feel a little jaded, which I may touch on in an upcoming post. I had no idea the InLinkz price had gone up – I pay direct debit and have only seen emails saying they’ve taken $2.99, but I’ll check to be sure, so thanks for the heads up… that’s a massive price hike! Love your sweater!
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much for the feedback! I did get the double payment resolved and refunded very quickly. So now it is just the $7.99. I think you can choose a free program or a cheaper one, but the $7.99 one allows a caption under the thumbnails and such, so I opted for that one because I like it to be easy to scan through for readers to see what catches their attention. Keep creating your wonderful content, my friend!
jodie filogomo
You are smart to ask others as in brainstorming. I know I have quit certain link ups when the hostess doesn’t comment on my posts. It doesn’t have to be every time, but at least every once in a while. That’s exactly why I don’t link up with Nina anymore. I guess it’s because I see this blogging as a relationship, and I love the back and forth with each other. That’s why I think being able to see replies to my comments is so important. Now I know not everyone is like this, but that’s me….
I’ll have to ponder this question Shelbee. Not that I am very good at coming up with solutions unless it’s about clothes, ha ha
BTW…I adore this sweater. Isn’t it fun to be pushed into something we wouldn’t normally grab, and then we love it??
Jodie, thank you so much for your feedback on this topic. I am glad that I put the question out to everyone because I am getting some really great feedback. And I know I have discussed this with you before…that I feel terrible that I can’t visit and comment on every blog post that is linked to my parties. I hit a point where I literally can never get to it. Once I make my morning rounds linking to other blog hops in order to support those who are hosting them, I fail at supporting those who are supporting me. And often, I get to visit a post and read it on my phone at work and for the life of me I can never get comments to post from my phone. It seems as soon as I complete all the weird login stuff for commenting (which is all set up on my laptop at home), it kicks me out and deletes my entire comment that I just painstakingly typed on those little tiny phone buttons with my big fat fingers! Oh, I will continue to brainstorm on all of these issues to find a better, more efficient, and more rewarding way to do it all! And it is great that Emily pushed me out of comfort zone into this adorable sweater!
Love you, sister!
jodie filogomo
I know exactly what you mean, Shelbee about commenting on EVERY post in your linkup. But I do think it’s nice to comment occasionally especially if the same person keeps linking up every week. And you really do this SO well. Obviously because your linkups are the most popular around.
FYI…when I’m commenting on my phone, I almost always use the talking feature. (when I’m not around other people of course). Do you know what I mean by that?? On your keyboard is a microphone where you can talk into it. It makes my life SO much easier!!
Jodie, I need to try this talking feature thing you speak of! If I have the opportunity to read posts from my phone, it is because there is no one in the shop, so I could certainly talk to my phone and it wouldn’t be weird. Haha. And honestly, the posts that I do visit usually end up being ones in my email box that I have subscribed to and they have caught my attention. I do need to get better about scrolling through the links on my parties more often though! Thanks so much for always supporting me. I could sit at my computer all day long and read and comment on posts if not for work and kids and life! It’s funny because on Mondays, my only day off without kids, that is literally what I do. I don’t even get up from desk!
Have a blessed Easter, my friend! Love you tons!
Hey Jodie! I’m guilty of not commenting back too, so I do apologize if you have not linked up with me due to this. I know that in my case, with the move and my last job I have just been so swamped that commenting on everyone’s blog is not just feasible for me. I try to reply to as many comments as I can though. So I do apologize if I seemed like a terrible hostess of the linkup I have too! I never meant to turn people away because of that!
Aw, Monica, I totally understand where you are coming from. Especially when you have a full time job. I only work part time and find so little time to do it all. I set my comments on moderation so that it makes me reply to them all. But other than that, I don’t find much opportunity to get around and visit and comment on many blogs at all even the ones who join my parties. All we can do is the best we can do! Love you, soul sister!
I’m glad I read Jodie’s comment though because now I can try to keep up with it. When I reply to comments no one ever replies if I have a long reply so I just kind of thought no one cared haha. I didn’t know this could discourage people from not linking up so at least now I have to find time somehow to comment more. Girl it’s been rough with finding time with how crazy it’s been here!
I hear you! I always reply back to comments on my blog, but when I comment on others, I rarely check if they have responded! But Jodie is a wealth of information, for sure, and she will always tell it like it is! And I love her for it. She has helped me with a ton of blogging things! So never be afraid to reach out to her or me for any thing you need advice on.
jodie filogomo
And I totally understand and get it Monica! I think we all struggle with how to divvy out our precious time. For me, I just love the connections I create with other women, so the commenting (at least occasionally) is really key for me. I know not everyone is like that, and that’s okay. I know some blogger’s don’t realize that their replies don’t go back to the commenter either. That’s exactly why I use Disqus (or Shelbee uses this system). I like it because it creates more of a conversation….like we are having here (although I’m not even sure this will get to you?? If not, Shelbee…will you get this to Monica?).
Life just gets SO busy and crazy that it seems impossible to do everything we want. I’m going to be in that same boat soon, because we will be moving too….EEEK!!
I am pretty sure Monica is getting the replies because she and I have been having a conversation here as well! I agree with you on all fronts, Jodie! And thank you for always being honest and real and understanding! You are moving?! Eek is right! I hate moving! But I wish you a smooth and easy transition, my friend.
I might have to ask you for time management help haha! You’re moving too! I just moved and it’s been two months and I’m JUST now starting to kind of breathe a little bit. Good luck on your move!!!
I honestly hate the new setup! It’s not as convenient to link up as with the previous Inlinkz. I haven’t seen the charge for $7.99 yet, but did see it for $2.99. So let me know how you resolved that issue of having the one cancelled. The team of Inlinkz is overseas because I had to contact their help desk but they are in a completely different time zone (I think somewhere in Europe I believe?). I hate that when you want to link up more than one post it’s way more inconvenient and time consuming than before. I’ve noticed a significant drop in link ups. I’ve lost HALF of the amount that was linking up before. It’s frustrating that we not only have to pay for this service, but the new setup is significantly worse. These linkups also help keep me consistent.
Monica, thanks for sharing your feedback! So I just used the contact form on the inlinkz website and sent an email about being charged double. Maria responded within a few hours that she had canceled the old subscription and refunded a few months of the double fee. It’s funny though because I find it quicker to add multiple links than the old format! Maybe it was just my computer though, it felt like it took forever to reload the page to add a second link with the old set up. Now it goes immediately for me. And while I have noticed a small drop in participation, I still have a pretty steady number of participants. I am finding the time of day when I post the link ups makes a huge difference though! If it is open first thing in the morning, I get way more participation then if I am late getting it posted. I know that I go through and join parties early in the morning and if they are not open, I usually end up not joining because I don’t get back to it later in the day. Anyway, let’s just keep on keeping on like we do and see where this road leads! Have a wonderful Easter weekend, my friend.
Ok if I have any issues with it I might contact you again haha. The new setup has too many steps for me and you have to login and since I do it for my mom too it’s just so annoying to have to do it multiple times with so many steps haha. I guess u have to figure out another way to do things with my blog to keep it interesting and keep people coming back!
For sure, let me know if you need any help with it!
Jacqui Berry
Very cute, a real valentines outfit in April. xx Thanks for sharing and hosting. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thank you, Jacqui! It will be the perfect outfit for Valentine’s Day, but I do love all things love all year round! Have a wonderful Easter!
I think your content is great Shelbee, you post frequently and you discuss interesting topics and sometimes personal topics, and it’s good to learn more about you. I think I’m only being charged for the old linky but sooner or later we’ll have to pay the higher cost. I think more sryle challenges would be good, readers like them. I’m open to any offers 🙂
Gail, thank you so much! I know I do some style themes but style challenges might be a fun and interesting way to get more bloggers involved! Hmmm…let me brainstorm that wonderful idea and maybe we can collaborate on something! Have a beautiful weekend, my friend!
Benny & Erin Richardson
I just read your reply to Kellyann…that’s exactly what I was going to suggest, so GO YOU!!! Glad you got that taken care of. That’s quite the steep increase. BOOOO! Gosh, I know what you mean about blogging and the community and all that, and I honestly have no idea how we can all better help each other. It’s a conundrum for sure. I do know I love that sweater on you and the entire outfit is cute as can be. I hope someone will have some good suggestions…unlike myself. LOL Happy Weekend!! XO
Aw, Lisa, thanks for your input! You are so funny! I am getting some good ideas from everyone, but it seems all are pretty happy with the link parties as a great way to connect. So I will keep on hosting as long as you all keep on joining! I wish you a very happy Easter, my friend!
Lisa Richardson
And I have no idea why that has my son and DIL’s name on it…freaked me out!!!
I was wondering why it had those names on it, too! So funny!
Jessica A Jannenga
Yea for more Pink! Love the jacket and your adorable sweater! Looking great! I am doing fine with the new inlinkz. I forgot to see the time one week, but other than that, It really isn’t too difficult. That stinks about the extra $7.99 for the monthly charge, hope that gets straightened out. I enjoy linkups, I spend time visiting as many blogs as I can after my linkup posts and I do enjoy going to different blogs.
Jess, thanks for the feedback. I do enjoy hosting my link ups as they definitely make me feel more connected to everyone especially since I just don’t have time to make my rounds to blogs as much as I’d like. I did get the extra charge fixed, so that’s good. And I am quite adjusted to the new format as well. And yes, pink! I have been wearing it quite often lately! Have a wonderful Easter, my friend.
As a new blogger, I am very grateful for the opportunities to link up to the bloggers who hosts link ups so thank you! I printed off your list and do my rounds each day of linking up (havent had any trouble) and then usually take the time to read 3 to 5 blog post and comment on those as well as the host. It does take time (probably a couple hours a day .. I use baby nap time and early morning) but I have seen increased traffic to my site and I love to read everyone’s comments. And I love how you always respond to the comments that I leave on your blog posts. I do not know of a better way but I am grateful for your efforts!
Btw, love that sweater and outfit. Funny how sometimes we need someone else’s eyes to try something different
Mireille, thanks so much for sharing your feedback! When I first began blogging, I loved joining link parties as well. I still do. But in the beginning, it was such a great way to find other bloggers, meet new people, and network more efficiently. I started hosting my first link up fairly early on and was nervous about not getting any traffic, but it actually gained momentum very quickly which made me very happy. I feel like while the numbers have dropped a little, my parties are still going pretty strong on a consistent basis. I am so glad that you use my link up list as a resource! That was a painstaking process to create that list and then keeping it updated as well (which I need to do again) so it makes me happy that others can benefit from it. I just open the page every morning and click the links to each party and it makes it super easy to make my rounds! And while I don’t get around to leave comments on other blogs as often as I’d like, I definitely make it a point to respond to every comment left on my blog. If only there were more hours in the day. The great problem of time! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
Ugh, I hate the new InLinkz format. It’s way more manual, and you can only link up one post, which is a bummer. I understand that they need to make money, but how can they justify charging so much more for an inferior product? /end rant. That said, everyone always freaks out when Facebook messes with its format, but then after a few weeks, we’re all used to it. I feel like that will happen with InLinkz—the important part is that we’re connecting with each other.
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks for the feedback! You should be able to add more than one link to my parties. That is all determined by the host. You can set it to allow as many links as you’d like. Some do only allow one link per party. I have mine set as unlimited. Sometimes, it may tell you that you have to wait 10 seconds before adding the next link though. I am quite used to the new format now and don’t find it all that tedious…except when it tells me to wait 10 seconds! Ha. And I agree with you…the important part is that we are connecting, which is why I don’t mind paying the small fee to host. I just didn’t want to pay double. I have resolved that now. Have a great weekend!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Shelbee I loooooove this cute sweater! You look amazing in it 🙂
Happy Easter, XOXO Tina
Thank you so much, Tina! Happy Easter to you as well!
anne m bray
I don’t do link parties on SpyGirl all that much any more — not many people join them because I ask for themed posts and my themes are too esoteric. MAYBE I’ll do a once-a-month open-all-month linkup. April has the BLOOPERS (THANK YOU THANK YOU for your hilarious contribution!!!!) theme going on and I thought up something for May.
I use InLinkz more for personal visual “Table of Contents” items (because I can’t figure out how else to have a bunch of clickable images. Ha. I even use it on my “professional” art website! Sample: https://annembray.com/about/all-the-links/)
To be honest, I find a lot of the parties boring, with links that don’t interest me. There are only a few that I follow and join. It’s too much work, my time is limited.
Anne, thank you for your feedback on the topic! I have seen you use links as a Table of Contents of sorts and I thought that it was a brilliant idea! And I do find themed link parties to be kind of a challenge. Because I simply write what I am inspired to write and often it doesn’t fit with what the themes are. I do host a themed link up with Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart but we leave it open to any fashion posts even if they don’t fit the theme. I find a lot of themed link parties do that as well. The theme is just sort of a suggestion but not a requirement. As far as boring parties, maybe they are only boring because you haven’t joined them yet! Ha! But I hear you on limited time. I have my list of parties that I join every week and it is quite extensive. It does take a bit of time and I often run out of time and can’t get to it. So totally understandable that if it isn’t moving you to join, then no point in spending the time required to do it. I adore you any which way you approach the world of blogging! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Anne M Bray
Yeah, I know re the limitations of my links. I’m bossy that way! The thing is, Instagram posts can be linked, which is much less commitment than a blog post — I guess I need to emphasize that in my Linkup header. I foresee another Link Party post coming up for SpyGirl this weekend.
I won’t go into what I find “boring” because The Villagers will come after me with pitchforks, torches, and whatnot. Heehee. I knew that was a strong word to use, and I used it anyway. I stealth wrote all that at work while avoiding the [self-appointed-he’s-not-really-my-manager-micromanager] coworker looking over my shoulder at my computer screen.
Did you know there are services that will “automatically” join you to link parties? I discovered that back when I was doing my Color Week parties and the same six weird random people would immediately join once the Linkup was live (and usually not wearing the designated color). And, of course, they never commented or engaged in any manner. Personally, I think that totally defeats the sharing and community aspect of Linkups.
Have a great weekend!
Is Spring starting for you yet? My cousin in Barneveld is seeing the ramps and the trillium sprouting in her woods.
You so totally crack me up! Spring is nearly here. I can hear the birds chirping in the wee hours of morning and the sun is rising quite early, which I do enjoy since I am a very early riser. However, with the Spring in the North Country comes the rain and lots of it. So between the occasional sunny warm days, we get about 5 straight days of rain. And to be honest, I sometimes bore myself! Haha, so no worries on the boring comment! Have a great weekend and I will check back to see what linky you have planned!
Anne M Bray
And Mud Season. Oh, I remember Mud Season. Yech.
It won’t be a new Linky. It’s the same one with new verbiage. You can certainly add more to it!
Ha. It is definitely Mud Season! Easter eggs will be hidden indoors once again this year!
Interesting! I didn’t know about the charges for link-up parties. It’s ridiculous that you can’t get access or cancel the very program you’re getting charged for!!!!
Not sure what could replace link-ups…
Blogging is such a mix!!
Love that you tried on the sweatshirt and it then it worked for you—- my big tip to people is to try on clothes that are not necessarily their style.
Becky, thanks so much! My mother always told me to try on everything as well because you never know what you will love once it is on!
And I don’t mind paying the small fee to host the link partied because I do love them! I did manage to get the second fee canceled and refunded so I should be all set now. And yeah, I agree, I don’t know what else we could do in blogging to stay connected other than the link parties.
I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
That is strange about inlinkz because it looks like I was grandfathered in with the $2.99 monthly payment still. I just had the automatic payment applied yesterday and it’s still $2.99 for me? I hope you can get it all figured out!
Laura, thanks for the feedback! I did get the $2.99 payment canceled and refunded. I don’t know why I wasn’t grandfathered in. I guess I need to inquire about that now! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Anne M Bray
I got the granny $2.99 deal as well.
There was a scary moment during the changeover when I got a message saying “too many active parties to add a new” (none were active then) but all seems well at present.
I wonder why I am the only one not getting the granny deal! Must look into this. But probably will end up just ignoring it! No time for such things.
Patrick Weseman
I just want to say you look nice and thank you for all of the hard work you do on the link-ups. Thanks so much. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter to you and your family.
Patrick, thank you so much, my friend! And I appreciate all of your support all of the time. Wishing you a very Happy Easter as well!
Hi Shelbee, I am sorry that you are having to pay for two InLinkz services. I hope they are able to cancel the old service and credit or refund you the fees that have been taken due to this snafu. On the topic of linking up, when I first started blogging I had no idea what I was really getting myself into. Reading about linking up with fellow bloggers and trying out for myself has been a game changer. Not only have I been introduced to new bloggers but I feel like there is a real community behind the bloggers that do link up. So, for that part of linking up, I will continue to do and support what I can. On the topic of the new InLinkz, I don’t have any issues with linking up. I did in the beginning but it seemed to have magically fixed itself. Knock on wood it stays that way! But my main issue is that I am no longer able to click on the links that would direct me to the blog post of the person that linked up. No matter which button I click, it doesn’t redirect me anywhere. I am familiar with faces so when I see someone I do know where to go however, there are others that I do not and I therefore do not know where to go to visit. Regarding blogging topics, I am torn about this. I agree about asking your audience about what they want to see and read. At the same time I also feel if someone was really in it to get to know me for me and for all that I love, I feel that anything you share should be a topic that should be enjoyed. Does that make sense? I hope you are having a great weekend and happy Easter weekend!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much for such a thoughtful response to this post! I did get the double payment resolved and refunded. And I am not having any issues with the new inlinkz format either now that I am used to it. Maybe some improvements have been made as well to make it easier. I wonder why you cannot get to the links just by clicking on them. I have not experienced that issue. So many little technology issues that I don’t understand! I hope that also resolves itself magically for you.
Link ups were the way I networked in the very beginning as well and they really do foster such a wonderfully tight knit community. So I will forge on with hosting and joining other link ups. But if we do find some other way to strengthen the community even more, then I am totally game!
And I totally understand what you mean about the topics we discuss. I just sort of write about the things that inspire me and that I find worth sharing. But I have no issue addressing things that someone requests as well.
I hope you have a very blessed Easter, my friend!
Amy Christensen
Shelbee, I stopped doing linkup parties, not because of any issues, other than time management. I just don’t have enough time to do the steps it requires to link up with the different parties each week. I think that is the biggest issue for so many of us. We blog, because we enjoy having that creative outlet, but most of us still have to work, have families, elderly parents, and a plethora of other responsibilities. I’m not sure what the answer is, other than to par down the number of link ups, etc that each person tries to be involved with, or maybe rotate around. For me, right now, it just isn’t feasible. That is why I like to actually read an individual blogger’s post and respond. That makes me feel a little more connected. So much to do and so little time! Ha, ha. – Amy
Amy, thank you so much for sharing your perspective on this topic. And I am totally with you on the issue of time! There just is not enough of it to get everything done that one wishes to accomplish each day. There are days when I can’t make my regular rounds to blogs that I love to visit either. But I do love blogging so I just keep doing my best! I hope you had a lovely Easter and have a wonderful week ahead of you!
Lisa notes
I wasn’t aware that our hosts were having to pay so much for the linkups. 🙁 Special thanks to all of you who do that! I do love linkups. They’ve been the best way for me to make new blogging friends and keep up with older blogging friends. I agree with your thoughts on Facebook groups; I just don’t have time to read through all my groups. I wish I had a better solution too.
Lisa, thank you so much for sharing your input in this discussion. And thank you for joining my link parties! The bigger the party, the less I mind paying the fee! It seems like we are all on the same page…the link ups are great for networking so I will continue on just as I have been!
Anna at Muttonstyle
Shelbee, I can always rely on you to make me think, haha. My link up coincided with the new format so I cannot say whether traffic changed. I do find the other link up, the non frog brand, fiddly to add to and have had to give up a few times so those using that brand I am sure will be suffering as I can’t be the only one. I am not sure whether I am being charged 7.99. Certainly I am paying 2.99. I hope I am not paying 7.99 aswell. As for how else we can share and let our readers share easily I do not know without using FB. Unless we banded together and shared the cost of a few link ups.
Anna, thanks so much for joining the discussion! I agree that non-froggy link up is tedious. I did get the $2.99 charge canceled and refunded. But now I am wondering why I am the only one paying $7.99! Haha. I guess I need to look into that as well. I am not so worried about the cost though as I am just looking for more creative ways of networking, but it looks like we may have captured them all between link parties and social media. I hope you have had a lovely weekend, my friend.
I don’t have an answer for you about the link-up – but I will say this. I’m terrible for going to many blogs (almost every day) and reading and looking at pics and then staring blankly at the comment box because I just can’t think what I want to say! I feel goofy always commenting “Love your outfit” Or something equally lame but then I just can’t get the words put together the way I want and I often end up closing out and not saying anything at all. Do you find your views have dropped? Or just linkers or commenters? I’m a small-potatoes blogger anyway – so I don’t deal with those kinds of issues, and I guess I don’t have anything really constructive to say… other than, I love your outfit! (I do, really, I do. I love that sweater, it’s adorbs.)
xo Tea
Tea, thanks so much for sharing your input on this topic! I am a small potatoes blogger as well. My views have dropped probably about 20% in the past 6-8 months. But then they leveled off there and have remained steady. I still have a pretty high engagement with comments though. I also respond back to all comments which is the reason I have the comments set to be moderated, so that I don’t miss any! And I hear you on the commenting thing as well. It happens to me often where the only think I have to contribute is “nice outfit” and it does feel kind of lame to keep repeating that. Ha. But I do love this blogging gig so I will just forge on as I always do! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on this post! Much appreciated!
I am fairly new to blogging, Shelbee, and did not realize there is a fee associated with link parties. I do participate in some blogs’ get together where you just link a pingback to your post in the comment section and visit others who have made a comment. That would have no cost. Thank you for hosting all these months. You have built a wonderful community of bloggers.
Laurie, thank you so very much for kind words and for joining my parties! I don’t mind paying the fee…but obviously the bigger the party, the better! So I am grateful that you pop by and join us each week. I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend.
Linda Walcroft
I saw your thumbnail on Random-osity and was interested in the topic. I like linkups because they challenge me to come up with something different so I don’t fall into a rut. I have noticed a great drop in participation on some of the blog hops. Reminders are helpful. But many bloggers are moving to other forms of social media.
Many bloggers are using Google’s tools to reduce spam comments and these can discourage commenting. I have trouble seeing Recapcha’s well enough to solve them so sometimes I give up.
Linda, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your feedback on the topic. I have noticed a lot of bloggers using other social media platforms even for linking up and things like Instagram parties using certain hashtags. I can’t remember all the hashtags or the hosts on IG, so I don’t ever participate in those. I will continue to send my email reminders and all of my posts automatically share to Twitter and Facebook as well. So I guess that’s the best I can do. And I hear you on the Recapcha things! They never work correctly for me and I will give up as well if it doesn’t go by the second try. I hope you have a wonderful day! And you are welcome to join my link parties any time you’d like. I host new ones every Tuesday and Friday.
Dellene Becker
Thank you for hosting and I hope you can get your old link problem sorted.
Thank you, Dellene! It has all been resolved with the double charge for hosting. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Link ups allow me to discover new blogs similar to my own-
I only link up to about six blogs and participate in less than 3 FB groups, when its too much it can get too overwhelming.
Lorena, thanks for sharing your feedback on the topic. I do participate in a lot of link ups as a way to network and support others, but it is definitely time consuming! And maybe I need to limit my Facebook groups so I can more actively participate! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Fonda @Savvy Southern Chic
This is a great post and great questions! I noticed a lot of bloggers dropping their link up altogether and I guess it’s because of the fee. I have not had problems linking where I link but have stopped some or just not made them a priority for a few reasons. One is consistency. If a blogger’s link up and post is not up and ready to go at the same general time each week, I skip it. I don’t have time to come back later. I do most of my linking, commenting, etc at the same general time daily. I also dropped linking up to parties that didn’t send any traffic my way and definitely those where the host never visits or comments. I know you can’t comment on every link every week, but this has to be reciprocal to be community. I do love the blogging community and try to support others where I can, but whether it’s linkups, facebook groups, etc it can all get out of hand and there isn’t time for it all. Sorry, I haven’t really come up with an answer to the real question about how to maintain community.
Fonda, thank you so much for sharing your ideas and your experience with me. I don’t think anyone really has an answer to the exact question I posed, but the feedback I am receiving is quite helpful! I am the same as you with the consistency of posting. I join link ups first thing in the morning and I never get back to my computer in the afternoon so if the link up is not live when I am making my rounds, I usually miss it. I try to get to it the next day, but it doesn’t always work out. Consistency with all things blogging is so important. And I apologize that I don’t comment much on other blogs. I simply run out of time. And I know that time is an issue for all of us! I need to set a minimum limit for myself of blog posts that I will visit and comment on and commit to it on the weekends or something. Thank you for supporting what I do and I will be sure to up my game in supporting others! I hope you have a fabulous day!
Hi Shelbee,
Welllll here’s my two cents. We all want connection and exposure— but that takes time. Going to and commenting on Link Parties or blog posts takes time….. I am guilty of wanting to write content that other people want to read, but not spending time in return reading other people’s posts. Sometimes I think I”m crazy to want to blog when I have soooo much other things in life to keep me busy— but so do other bloggers. Sometimes I think only retired people truly have time for this… but I don’t want to wait that long to Blog! And busy people are the ones who have something to write about, anyway….
I would love to be able to offer more value in my Best of the Weekend Link Party. The only way I’ve thought of to do that, is to offer a giveaway now and then— but my giveaways have not been highly participated in…..and yes, I’ve even asked other bloggers to join me and haven’t had any takers.
If we could find a way for people to go to valuable Link Parties, while saving them time, and still providing Connection— that would be a winner!! Hmmm, I wonder if I had a List on my site not of Link Parties, but of Contributors to My Link Parties (Like the Contributors in the past month or something). I think I would like to be on other people’s Contributor Lists. ?? Then all of the Contributors would get more exposure, not just people who hosted parties?
Oooh, Liberty, I think you might be onto something here! And I agree we are all victims of the “running out of time” problem. It is unavoidable. Life happens. I feel terrible that I cannot interact and engage more and so many people come visit my blog and join the parties. This is why I feature a few blogs every week so at least it is worth your time to come over and connect. And I also love blogging and don’t want to wait to do it. If it generated enough income, I’d be more than happy to do it full time (who wouldn’t?). But here we are working with what we’ve got. And I appreciate everyone in this community. I am definitely going to ponder your suggestion here. It is a good one with much value. So let me think…Thank you for the idea!
I hope you have a fantastic day!
Wow! First let me say that I love that heart sweater, as well as the soft colors you’ve been wearing lately. I’ve loved all the black, olive greens etc. As for blogging and those link ups, I hear you sister. I want so much to comment on every blog. When I link up I rarely ever get to comment right away, this comment is case in point, and there are rare occasions that I never make it back around. And yet, I’m so dang grateful for the link up hostess! I could tell when your life became fuller because you weren’t able to comment as much but I knew it was because your life was fuller. lol And we were on the same playing ground. All this rambling is due to reading some comments above etc,…with Nina’s link up it was a lack of any interaction. She seems very sweet though! I hope you get the price worked out with the link up fee b/c I love it and I hope to be able to host a link up in the future…when things calm down – ha! I’m not ready to give up on this blog community. And I hear you on the facebook groups. OH MY! I can’t keep up with them either!! Ok, I’ve rambled enough I guess. So thank you for hosting week to week and I’ll be brainstorming about content, etc. Btw, I’ve asked my IG followers what they liked and it was like pulling teeth. lol
Chrissy, thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts on this topic! You know, the same thing happens to me…I read through a blog post and have a million things I want to share about it but I am always pressed for time. So I leave the tab open on my computer to get back to it. But alas, life intervenes and I never make it back. I do all of my blogging stuff in the early morning hours from 4:30 am until I go to work at 9:30 with the interruptions of getting kids ready and off to school. By the time I get home from work around 4:30, I have been up for 12 hours and I am simply spent. Morning rolls around and there is another blog post to write, link ups to join, comments to answer, well…you get the picture. But I have no inclination to give up on this community either. It is my favorite thing ever and I cannot even imagine my life without at this point.
And thank you for the lovely compliment about the softer side of Shelbee! Ha. I am enjoying the pales shades of pink lately, but I always return to the blacks and more saturated colors as well. I will always continue to change it up though. It is what I do!
I am so glad that your life is full and exciting as well. It is a wonderful thing, plus it gives more stuff to share on our blogs!
Love ya, sister.
Hi Shelbee, I have so much to write on this subject that I have a post on draft already, but will probably post it sometimes next week, after my birthday and all. For me personally I work full time, I blog let’s say 75% of the time lol, I try to keep up with Instagram and I am a full-time single parent. I never have enough time. I have barely linked up myself (due to time and no other reason) for the last 3-4 months. There are never enough minutes in the morning. I have to get myself ready for work, my daughter ready for school etc. But of course there is a significant fall in the linkups. I need to be better about promoting my linkups on Instagram and Insta stories too, but that too has fallen off the side. Honestly, there are never enough hours in the day. I blink and the day is gone! Sometimes I have even thought about closing the linkup altogether, but I still think there is a ‘point’ to my weekly Thursday Moda linkup and I like the connection. However Jodie is right, some people never connect or comment or interact with you. And it makes it harder to stop by their blogs or support them, especially when there are at least another twenty or thirty bloggers who stop by your blog daily or weekly and support you and of course you have to do the same. I think the best way I can explain blogging is a give and take relationship. Of course it is not as black and white as that but in general it is. I think most if not all of us bloggers with linkups don’t comment on the ones that join our linkups not because we don’t want to, but honestly because we don’t have time. =)
Ada, thank you for sharing your feedback on the topic. I am right there with you. And this week in particular has been so insane. I always at least make it a point to join link ups. I have not had a chance at all this week and I feel terrible. But life just really gets in the way sometimes. Hang in there, mama, and keep doing what you do! Those who love you like I do will keep coming back!