7 Years of Blogging & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #289
I am a day late with my link party but right on time to celebrate my 7th anniversary of blogging. Seven years ago today, on August 24, 2015, I apprehensively hit publish on a post about Church and Church Appropriate Attire. I received two comments on it. One comment was from Jessica of Jeans and a Teacup which came over a month later and one from Patrick of Adventures in Weseland which was posted in August 2020 probably after I linked the article in a newer post.
Here is my outfit from that very first post. I actually just got rid of the shirt, pants, and jacket in a massive closet clean out.

My style has evolved quite a bit in the past 7 years. I have become much bolder and much more confident in my eclectic choices. I went from that to this.
In the past 7 years of sharing my life and personal style online, I have made so many amazing friends and had so many wonderful opportunities and experiences that there are too many to recount in one short post. Plus I am so behind on everything and don’t really have the time to dig deep to write a sentimental narrative summarizing the last 7 years.
My dining room is currently torn apart in mid-makeover, my in-laws are coming to visit this weekend, and the kids start school in 2 weeks and need school supplies and clothes still. Plus 7 years of anything always seems to give me an itch of some sort. I have lost my passion for the whole blogging process from outfit creation to photo sessions to finding the words that I want to write and the topics I want to discuss. The burnout is real but I am in no way ready to give up my sharing space and my creative outlet. But I am ready to take a little break until new inspiration finds me.
I have pulled back significantly in commenting and visiting other blog posts. And it is not because I don’t adore all of the talented and interesting people who share their own personal experiences and gorgeous styles online. I do adore all of you and I wish I had the time and mental capacity to read and comment on all the posts you share. But there are a limited number of hours in each day and they seem to slip away much more quickly the older I get.
Once we get settled back into the school routine and I don’t have to indulge the nonstop summer feeding frenzy of my children which has condemned me to kitchen duty for the last few months, I really want to focus a bit more on blogging things as well as some personal improvements.
But right now, I have a dining room to put back together which includes making new curtains. I can’t find exactly what I want, which is often the case in home decor items, so I will have to make them myself. This, of course, adds even more time to this makeover that is taking much longer than I anticipated. But it looks really good so far! I will share photos once I have it all completed.
And now I am signing off to get back to the home improvement grind!
What is going on in your world?
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Tina of Amanda’s Books and More

Fashion Favorite: Marsha of Marsha in the Middle

Other Favorite: Alexandra of Eye Love Knots

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
So glad our blog paths crossed!
Me, too! I hope we can one day meet for coffee or something!
Congrats on 7 years of blogging! I do love that bold blue color on you! So great that your kids still have a bit of summer break, my high schooler is already on her second week of school, I will never understand why they can’t just wait until after Labor Day to start!!
Good luck with the home improvements! Wish I had to patients to sew such large fabric pieces! Been wanting to make my own duvet covers but the amounts of fabrics to deal with scares me. Sewing curtains is probaly similar and even more complicated.
Thanks so much, Ellie! I am so ready for these kids to go back to school so I can get myself on a more productive schedule! Actually, the DIY curtains I am planning require no sewing! I don’t even have a sewing machine so it’s really my only option. Although I think I could manage sewing curtains if I had a machine. I keep contemplating purchasing one but then I never follow through.
Donna B Reidland
Shelbee, congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I love your bold style, but the outfit in your first post still looks very up-to-date and sophisticated. Some things never really go out of style. Again, congratulations!
Aw, Donna, thank you so much! I wore the heck out of all three pieces in that first outfit. I really only got rid of them because they didn’t fit properly anymore otherwise I could have made them work in my wardrobe forever. Haha. I am so grateful for all the wonderful people I have met and the amazing experiences and opportunities that have come from blogging. I appreciate all of you so much!
Michele Morin
So much changes around us that we hardly notice how much we are changing ourselves. I appreciate your perseverance.
Thank you, Michele! That is a magnificently profound statement and so very true! It is important to stop and pay attention to ourselves sometimes. I have experienced more personal growth in my 40s than I did in the first 40 years of my life. It is an amazing ride! And I am so grateful for all the wonderful people I have met along the way…including you, my friend!
Many congrats on 7 years of blogging! I totally understand the burnout. A major change like having kids home for the summer, or having stressful issues (in my case, my mom’s health) can totally consume your energy, creativity, and desire to communicate to an audience. I am doing a slow recalibration on my blog so that it better reflects my interests and passions that are ever-evolving. Get rested my friend. We will all be here.
Michelle, thanks so much for your kind words, your support, and your friendship! I am so glad that we me on this blogging journey. I struggle with granting myself a break when I get overwhelmed and I try to push through until I can’t any more. I think I need to recalibrate my blog space as well to better reflect the evolved Shelbee! I am so grateful for you and all of my amazing blogging friends!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Hi Shelbee. Congrats on your 7 years!! Thanks so much for hosting. I’ve linked up with #10 – HOW TO PARALLEL PARK and #11 – NATIONAL BUTTERED CORN DAY. Check out my link parties if you have time, would love to have you join us!
Thanks so much, Dee! I will definitely stop by to link up today!
Laura Bambrick
Happy Blogiversary! 7 years is an amazing accomplishment! You’ve come a long way! I can’t wait to see your dining room transformation.
Thanks so much, Laura! It feels like 7 years has flown by! I am buying burlap to make my no-sew curtains this afternoon and then my dining room should be complete! I hope to share photos next week.
Patrick Weseman
Thanks for everything you do. You are an amazing person with an amazing blog and you do so much to help other people. Super glad that our worlds crossed paths. Thanks for everything.
We have been in school since the 17th and the parents were happy that their kiddos went back. Reading blogs actually keeps me sane during the school year.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.
Patrick, thanks so much! I am so grateful that our paths have crossed on this blogging journey! And I love that blog reading keeps you sane during the school year! I hope you have a successful and peaceful school year with your students. You are an awesome human for doing what you do and I know that you give your students fundamental building blocks to create the lives they want. Keep being amazing, my friend!
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I hope everything goes smoothly with your dining room makeover, visit from the in-laws, and back-to-school shopping chores. Thanks for hosting the link-up. And, thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 30.
Carol, thanks so much! My dining room is almost complete! I am going to buy some burlap today to make the curtains and hopefully I will have photos to share next week!
It’s only natural to feel that way, especially if you post so often. You can also bring it back, that might help to get the joy back. Anyway, congratulations!! I’m so glad I’ve found you through blogging! And have a terrific weekend!!
Thank you so much, my sweet friend! I am seriously considering ditching my Tuesday link party and just sticking with my Friday one and all the group collaborations I do. I am so grateful to have met you on this blogging journey! You are one of my favorite people on the entire planet!
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging, Shelbee. I’ve been blogging for 6 and a half years now, and I’ve definitely noticed a shift in style as well. We do gain confidence as we get older, which is a lovely thing! xxx
Ann, thank you so very much! Sometimes I wonder if it’s confidence gained or less f*cks given as we get older! Or maybe those two things go hand in hand. The less we concern ourselves with the opinions of others, the more confidence we naturally acquire! It has been a remarkable journey and I have met so amazing people in blogland. I am grateful for all of you!
Jacqui Berry
Well done and congratulations Shelbee, what an achievement for you. Nice to dip in and out of your blog and appreciate when you can pop by to mine. Have a wonderful weekend. x Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I just wish I could visit more blogs more often. I love keeping up with all of my fabulous blogging friends and seeing all the joy in your lives! I am grateful to have gotten to know you along the way!
Congratulations on 7 years, my friend! You’re an awesome blogger. Anyone who does as much as you deserves some time to rest and recharge. Or simply attend to other priorities. Enjoy yourself.
Thank you so much, Rena! I really appreciate that! You also are an awesome blogger and I am so grateful to have me you on this journey!
It’s truly an amazing accomplishment even if you do pull back a little. That’s what I’ve been doing by only posting 4 days a week instead of 6.
It’s amazing how our style can change so much right?? That’s how I feel too. Almost like I’ve done a 180!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I really appreciate that and I really appreciate you! I definitely needed to cut back on blogging things so I could accomplish some other things around here but I hope to get back to daily writing about some deeper topics as well. I just follow my muse wherever she leads me…and sometimes she leads straight to bed! Haha.
Happy 7 years Shelbee!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, my friend!
Lisa notes
Congratulations on 7 years of blogging! I’m happy for you in finding your own style more and more authentically as the years have gone by. Such fun. And yes, there is never enough time! For any of the things. lol.
Thanks so much, Lisa! I really appreciate that! While I am always running out of time for all the things, I have realized that I do spend an extraordinary amount of time just sitting around, too! Haha.
Marsha Banks
Congratulations on seven years, Shelbee! I wouldn’t have even recognized you…you have truly evolved in so many ways! As for taking a break, we all need that downtime to regenerate desire and motivation so take the time you need. Raising two young people takes so much energy, too! Thanks for the feature and the link party!
Marsha, thank you so much! I often don’t recognize myself in past versions either! I have definitely experienced more growth in my 40s than I did in my first 40 years. Life is a wild journey, for sure. And if I am not learning and growing with each step, what’s the point, really? Oh, my little people are energy zappers. I am so ready for back to school!
Congrats on 7 years of blogging. Love the first photos, your hair has grown so much since. I too have burn outs where I just can’t be bothered to blog or have anything to blog about, so I tend to write posts similar to yours. Thanks for linking with #pocolo and hope to see you next week x
Thanks so much, Suzanne! This hair of mine has been a labor of love growing it out to this point! It is the first time in my life I had the patience to do it. And blog burnout is a for real thing! Sometimes I just have to keep it frivolous to keep going! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Happy Blogiversary!! That is such a great milestone!
Thanks so much, Alexandra! I really appreciate that!
OH yes, I hear you on the burnout! I really enjoyed blogging just 2 days a week (most weeks anyway) this summer and while I know I have a lot of posts already scheduled for September I am already planning what I want my blogging year to look like next year and what days I might cut out of my schedule. But 7 years— that’s fabulous!
Thanks so much, Joanne! The burnout is real! As much as I love interacting with everyone in blogland, I often find myself typing the same things over and over again which really contributes to the burnout. I do think I might need to cut back on posting soon even if it is just temporary. I hope the next year is brilliant and beautiful for both of us!
Paula Short
Congratulations Shelbee!
Visiting today from #AnythingGoesLinky #7
Paula, thank you so much! I really appreciate that. I hope you are having a wonderful week!