6 Habits to Avoid to Maintain Good Mental Health
Where our bodies are concerned, there are certain habits that we know can be harmful to us. For example, we understand the negative effects of consuming too much junk food. We know that overeating and lack of exercise can cause obesity which then leads to all other sorts of physical health issues. We know that smoking cigarettes can cause cancer. We know that not getting an appropriate amount of sleep can lead to exhaustion and a break down of our immunities.
However, in matters of the mind and mental health, we seem to be lacking some of the same knowledge. But just as we all have a state of physical health, we also exist in a certain state of mental health as well. And just as our physical health is affected by our habits and the world around us, so, too is our mental health. Every action we take and every decision we make has an impact on our mind and our state of mental well being. Basically, everything we do has a consequence whether it be good or bad. For those suffering from anxiety, the website Rolling Paper offers a useful online guide to fighting anxiety using natural methods. To avoid the bad consequences that can take a toll on your mental health, there are six habits or activities that you should avoid.
1. Hiding Inside All Day
Existing predominantly in a state of isolation from contact with other people is not a healthy habit. While we all feel like hibernating and hiding away every now and then, it is not conducive to good mental health to spend consecutive days, weeks, or months, alone in your house. Segregating yourself from others not only limits social interaction, but it also deprives you of the natural benefits of fresh air and sunlight. Even when you are feeling like you want to avoid contact with people, you should still venture outside at least once a day to breathe in the fresh air and absorb the healthy vitamins that come from exposure to natural sunlight. This is especially important for people who work at home and spend most of their days inside. Take short breaks to catch some fresh air. It will make a world of difference in your state of mental wellness.

2. Living in a Messy House
Even though most people find cleaning house an unpleasant chore, it is still a necessary burden that we all must endure. If you procrastinate on the basic maintenance of a clean and orderly home, the mess will grow bigger until the amount of work required to clean it can become overwhelming. This can lead to a lot of stress. It is a natural reaction for many of us to feel weighed down by clutter, both emotionally and physically, making it an important habit to periodically purge your home. By clearing out the unnecessary things that take up valuable space in your house, you free yourself of damaging clutter and are able to create a more relaxing and happier environment within your home.
3. Ditching Your Workout Plans
Exercise helps us maintain physical fitness, but it also vastly improves our mental health. This is one of the best reasons to add exercise into your daily routine. Most health professionals recommend at least thirty minutes of exercise each day. If you are planning to increase the amount of physical activity in your daily routine, it is helpful to set clear goals and intentions. In creating a new exercise plan, a smart goals worksheet would be valuable. Without definite exercise goals, it may be tempting to skip your daily workout on occasion which could end up with you ditching your workout regimen completely.

4. Sleeping in on Weekends
While maintaining a steady level of daily physical activity is important, you must also ensure that you are getting adequate rest. This does not mean, however, that you should sleep as much as you can whenever you can. Sticking to a regular sleep routine even on the weekends is beneficial in maintaining structure which supports good mental health. Sleeping in on weekends to make up for a lack of sleep during the week actually has a counterintuitive effect, making you feel even more tired than you were during the week. When you upset a regulated sleep schedule in this way, it offsets your circadian rhythm which does more harm than good. You should adhere to the same bedtime hours every day of the week.
5. Depending Heavily on Alcohol
Many people enjoy a glass of wine or a beer at the end of a long day to help them unwind, relax, and destress. However, when you begin to rely on alcohol as a method of coping with daily life stressors, it can quickly lead to dependency. You will build a tolerance to the alcohol and will soon discover that you need to consume more and more in order to obtain the desired effects. The consequence of this habit is that the overconsumption of alcohol begins to have a depressive impact on your mood and can result in poor sleep habits as well. The consumption of alcohol in this manner can also lead to other bad habits such as drug use and drug addiction. If you fear this could be a path you might go down, it would be wise to surround yourself with people who care for you and who will not enable this kind of behavior. Furthermore, visiting an ibogaine clinic can help to treat addictions of varying kinds.
I rarely consume alcohol anymore as a way to decompress after a long day. Instead I find the benefits of products like Blessed CBD to be much more effective and healthier than the overconsumption of alcohol. If you need something a little stronger than what CBD offers, THC products are another option. Click here to see where can you purchase delta 8 THC.

6. Refusing to Seek Help
Many people struggle with the idea of reaching out to others for help. However, it is probably one of the most important things you can to find your way back to mental wellness if you feel yourself falling into a depression. Asking for the help you need is never wrong and it should never elicit a feeling of shame. In fact, it is an incredibly brave and sensible thing to do, no matter how off putting it may feel. Struggling alone through life in a state of poor mental health will only contribute to the worsening of the issues. If you reach out and speak to a professional, you can receive objective feedback and learn other helpful coping mechanisms to help you return to a mentally healthy state. There are a multitude of effective treatment options available which basically any health care provider can recommend based on your specific needs.
It is immensely important in the interest of living your best life to consider your mental health as important as your physical health. Poor mental health can quickly lead to serious physical ailments as well. Take great care of yourself because this is the only life you get.
What activities do you include in your daily routine to maintain mental wellness? What types of things do you avoid to stay on the healthy track?
Keeping it on the edge,
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Kellyann Rohr
Great advice Shelbee! I really wish we did more to help our children learn these tips too, the mental health epidemic is getting more attention these days but my prayer is always that we will be proactive rather than reactive. Super post!!
Kellyann, thanks so much! I agree with you completely. I am always maintaining lines of communication with my kids around good mental health. Growing up is so hard! And probably more so now than when we were young.
Julie | This Main Line Life
These are great tips and so true… and something all teens could benefit from. I make brandon get at least a little exercise each week (he takes a cross fit class), but I think it would really help him to do a little something every day instead of just twice a week.
Thank you, Julie! I need to take my own advice and get out more frequently myself. Especially now that I am working for home. It is so easy to get stuck sitting at my desk all day long.
Patrick Weseman
Such very nice tips. Thanks for sharing them with us. Very nice.
Thank you, Patrick! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
jess jannenga
These are all excellent points Shelbee!
I have anxiety and take medication for it. I know I have to have a fair amount of self-talk to get out of it sometimes and certain situations are better to avoid for mental health. I agree with not getting out! I go a bit bonkers at times working at home and then staying in.. after several days I need to leave the house. We will also go to our hangout , the Cottage and I love to socialize there with other people! We do need that!
I also get into the mode where I cant stand my floors or bathrooms and need to clean. It really does make you feel better.
Hope you are having a good day!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much for reading and sharing your tips as well. I have to tell you, now that I am working from home, I don’t get out much and it is really starting to weigh on me. I need to make the time to get outside while the weather still permits it. I never get the urge to clean though! Hahaha. However, today, rather than writing, I spent the past two hours posting leggings on Poshmark. But I guess that kind of counts as work. I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Avoiding these habits is crucial for maintaining good mental health. Your article provides practical advice that is easy to understand and apply.
Thanks so much. I really appreciate that!