5 Tips for Crafting the Perfect Proposal
Aside from the actual wedding day, the proposal is one of the most important days in any relationship that leads to matrimony. Naturally, you would want proposal day to go as perfectly as possible and to be memorable in all the right ways. If you have been considering proposing that big question to your partner, how can you make sure that it is exactly how your partner has imagined it?
1. Make it special to your relationship.
Each relationship has its quirks and eccentricities that make it unique. Take into consideration places that have special meaning to you and your partner as well as significant dates in the course of your relationship. Your proposal could include celebrating an important date, sharing a favorite meal at a special restaurant, going back to somewhere memorable like that Yorkshire Dales pub with accommodation you once visited on a romantic holiday, or simply fulfilling some romantic bucket list item for your partner. When you make it personal and meaningful, your proposal will have a bit more power.
2. Take some memories away from it.
There are a variety of different ways that you can memorialize your proposal. The most common way to preserve this special moment, of course, would be to hire an engagement photographer such as Morgan Caddell Photography. If you are uncertain about a surprise photoshoot, you can schedule it for a later date after the proposal. If your partner is photo-shy and would prefer no pictures, you can always get a memento of some sort from the place where you proposed.
3. Have the ring that will dazzle them.
It might seem materialistic, but putting adequate time and consideration into choosing a ring for your partner is not at all shallow or vain. It simply signifies that you appreciate and value your partner and want to give them something they will be proud to wear and show off. Shop for a style that matches your partner’s personal fashion aesthetic to ensure they will love wearing it for years to come. For a piece of jewelry that one is expected to wear every day for a lifetime, it is a good idea to search for high quality stones that will last for generations as well. High Performance Diamonds review is a helpful starting resource for finding high quality stones with lasting power.
4. Don’t make it too much of a surprise.
In the traditional way of marriage proposals, the moment of popping the question has always been a moment of surprise. However, in modern times, it maybe shouldn’t be a complete and total surprise. You certainly do not want to catch your partner so off guard with a surprise proposal that there is an awkward pause of moments or even days when your partner may have to think about the answer. So it is really important that you and your partner have talked about the future to ensure that you both had marriage in mind for your future.
5. Include the family.
If your partner is very close with their family, keep in mind that they may want to share this special moment with them as well. You could find a way to include your partner’s closest relatives in the proposal process either by seeking their input for proposal ideas or even having them participate in the proposal in some meaningful way.
Of course, there is no such as thing perfect no matter how well we plan. But it is the little hiccups that can turn into some of the best memories as well. Asking the question and getting the answer you desire is the most important thing regardless if your proposal goes exactly to plan. Improvise when necessary and enjoy your special day! Once it is done you can breathe a sigh of relief and start planning your bachelor party and hen do to create even more amazing and fun memories.
Before I sign off, I will share my wedding proposal stories with you. The first time I got married in my early 20’s, the proposal was very traditional with a big romantic dinner in a fancy Italian restaurant in the Georgetown area of Washington, D.C. It was sometime around this time of year because there was a giant Christmas tree that shot up 3 stories tall in the middle of the restaurant. It was so beautiful and I was so nervous about embarking on this road to matrimony. He proposed with my grandmother’s ring which was super special to me. I said yes, we got married, and then divorced nearly as quickly.
When the time came around for me and Jeff to really start considering if marriage was a thing for us, I knew that I wasn’t going to take the traditional approach again. It didn’t work for me the first time and I wasn’t willing to try that same thing again. So Jeff and I whimsically made the decision to get married one dreadful night in a hotel room in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We were attending an Army prom weekend which included lots of soldier training meetings. On the final day there, some awful negative things occurred at one of those meetings and everyone was in a terrible mood. We had planned to meet our friends at a bar across the street from the hotel to drink away our miseries on this final night in Pittsburgh. I looked at Jeff and said, “Hey, what do you say if we turn this miserable party around into something happy?”
Jeff responded, “What do you mean?” And I said, “What do say to getting married and we go over to that bar and announce it to all of our miserable friends and see what happens?” He didn’t hesitate to agree with my plan and so it went! We turned that grump-fest into the best engagement party ever. And the rest, of course, is history.
I would love to hear your proposal story or your proposal fantasy in the comments. Won’t you share the love!
Keeping it on the edge,
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Patrick Weseman
Love the story of you and Jeff.
Thanks, Patrick!
Wow! How amazing! You and Jeff’s proposal story is really cool! Great tips!
Aw, thanks so much, Lovely! I hope you have a fantastic week ahead!
Anita Ojeda
What a whimsical way to get married! Pedro gave me a two-ton proposal ;). He worked at a dairy farm during college, and the summer before his last quarter he contrived with his brother (a pilot who flew for a small business) to get me up ⬆️ n the air. We flew over the dairy farm where he had used two tons of hay to spell out ‘Anita, will you marry me?’ He had a simple ring waiting to seal the deal, and we married in December. This year marks 33 years of adventure together!
Oh my God, Anita, that is such a fabulous proposal story! My husband would have failed to get me up in the air and then he would have been sadly disappointed had he tried. Haha. Happy Anniversary to you both! Thirty-three years is something to be super proud of, that’s for sure!
Aww that’s sweet!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, my friend!
What a fun proposal story!
Thanks, Joanne! We are forever the non-traditionalists! Haha.
Kathrine Eldridge
These are great tips for the proposal. My husband did it at a restaurant with both of our sets of parents there. I had no idea! Love what you and your hubby did.
Thanks, Kathrine! I love that your husband was able to totally surprise you and have your parents all there!