5 Steps to Move on with Your Life

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Are you a person who holds tight to past ideals, always striving to reach impossible expectations? If so, there is a great chance that you are also engaging in self-sabotaging habits. You may be wondering how you can stop these harmful practices and live a more fulfilled life. One of the major milestones for moving forward with your life is by making peace with your past and accepting the things that you cannot change for what they are. This can be a difficult process, but these five tips can guide you to making some healthier decisions along the way to creating your best life.
1.Disregard the opinions of others.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, even when others disagree with them. And while it may be helpful to consider the opinions of friends and family when making important decisions, it is crucial that the ultimate decision is one that you are comfortable with. If you are always basing your decisions on the opinions of other people without even considering what you truly want or need, you may find yourself in a constant state of discontent. When consulting with others on decision-making, be diligent in also considering their motives. Do they have your best interest at heart? Or is their suggestion more self-serving? Sometimes, when others are feeling unhappy or dissatisfied, they may not be in a position to offer you the soundest advice. The best course of action may be to forget what others think, disregard their opinions, and really focus on your own ideals and what works best for you.

2. Accept that not all things can be explained.
Human beings by nature always want clear explanations for things that we do not understand. But not everything can be explained in a clear and concise matter. In fact, some things simply can never be explained no matter how hard we try. Eventually, you have to reach this conclusion and accept that you are not going to get an explanation. You can spend all the time in the world trying to make sense of a certain situation while you repeatedly rehash events over and over in your own mind, but sometimes there is no answer to be found.
There are certain things that happen in our lives that simply have no reasonable explanation. So rather than exhaust ourselves trying to make sense of these things, it is easier to just stop looking for an explanation and accept the situation as it is….without explanation. Letting go of past events and living in the present moment is the healthiest way to move forward into your happiness. The more you dwell on the past, the more it will haunt you. So you are better off leaving it in the past where it belongs.
3. Don’t dwell on past heartbreaks.
Not every relationship is meant to last forever. When it comes to romantic relationships, most people have many failed ones before they find the right one. Just because one relationship doesn’t work out, that doesn’t mean there won’t be more opportunities for successful relationships in the future. Don’t let your past make you believe that one failed relationship means you are a failure at relationships. Because that is simply untrue and if you permit this line of thinking, it will impact your future relationships as a self-fulling prophecy.
Often failed relationships give us the opportunity to gain some insight about ourselves that can benefit us in future relationships. While introspection is a healthy practice, try not to waste too much time reliving old incidents and trying to figure out how you could have done things differently. Every failed relationship gives you the chance to grow as a person and helps you to define more clearly what exactly you need in your life. If you are a person who believes in finding alternative methods of helping yourself feel better, you could consult some black magic spells.

4. Eliminate grudges.
Sometimes we feel so wronged by another person, that we simply cannot get past it and we resent them for an infinite period of time. Refusing to forgive or forget the past actions or behaviors of another person will lead straight into the realm of grudges. But grudges take a lot of time and energy. If you choose to use your time and energy hating or resenting another person, you are actually doing more harm to yourself than good. There is literally no good that comes out of grudges. They weigh you down and suffocate you in the most horrible way. If you are currently feeling unable to move forward with your life because of a grudge, it is time to let it go. Refuse to engage in malicious, vengeful behaviors and you will soon feel much of your tension disappear. Remember forgiveness is not always about wrong and right, it is more often about letting go of the stress and living your best life.

5. Appreciate what you do have.
Rather than focusing on what might be missing from your life, things you want and possibly need, try instead to shift your focus to all the things you do have. Too often, we get stuck with our minds set on the void that we miss out on all the great things we already have. Look around you and take stock of the family and friends you have that support and love you, your home, your health, your belongings, your freedom to do the things that you love. Anything positive at all. Even the smallest happy thing in your life should be celebrated with gratitude. When you shift your perspective from what you don’t have to what you do have, you will notice that an overall happier feeling will wash over you.
Have you been feeling stuck lately? For any number of reasons? It may be time to take a good look at what’s going on inside of yourself that is holding you back. You might be surprised by what you discover. You also might be surprised at how easy it is to move forward once you have identified the problem.
Keeping it on the edge,
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These are concise and excellent tips, Shelbee! I found myself nodding along to all of them. While I do think some things get a little easier with age (e.g. disregarding the opinions of others), they are all definitely still a constant work in progress!
Gina, thanks for checking out these tips. I think we all struggle with the opinions of others. We are constantly being influenced by outside sources that it can get confusing differentiating between our own thoughts and the ideas of others.
These are good tips – especially the last one! it’s important to be thankful for what we have 🙂
Hope that you are having a great week 🙂
Mica, thanks so much for reading! Definitely shifting our perspective to gratitude helps so much!
Great tips! Working on all of them! Trying to start the morning with a positive attitude has definitely changed my outlook the past 2 weeks!
Mireille, thanks so much for reading! I am right there with you…waking up every morning with a feeling of gratitude and can-do-it attitude regardless of how the previous day played out. Every day is a new day to do it better!
Julie | This Main Line Life
These are great tips. I love the Buddhist teachings on acceptance. I’ve had people say, I don’t want to just “accept” this, but that’s missing the point. Your current situation is what it is. It’s already happened and you can’t change that… but if you accept where you are currently, then you can figure out how to go forward in a positive, beneficial manor.
Julie, I so totally agree with you! It is simply a waste of time to try to change or even dwell on what is already done. It is what it is. Take note and move forward in the best possible way. It’s sort of like planning for what could possibly happen…you never know what will come at you at any given point in time, you have to just go forth and deal with things as they come. I think I probably adhere most closely to Buddhist teachings more than any other religion!
Patrick Weseman
Just such wonderful steps. Thanks for sharing them.
Thank you, Patrick!
Helen C.
Great advises (I am stealing those and passing them as mine for when I´m a mom!)
Yes, please do, Helen! How are you feeling?!