4 Ways to Invest in Your Appearance
We all spend money on improving the way we look. While some expenses may only bring temporary results, there are certain purchases that can have a much longer term effect. Keep reading for 4 ways to better invest in your personal appearance for a lasting impact as we move forward into a new year and beyond.
*This is contributed content.
- Purchase quality wardrobe pieces that are versatile.
When spending your hard earned money on apparel and accessories, it is important to consider how much use you will get out of each item. A cheap pair of sneakers that falls apart after barely a few months of wear is not the best investment even if the dollar amount was lower. Another less than frugal fashion investment is that long craved for pair of expensive shoes that you only wear one time.
Instead, invest your money in a high quality wardrobe that consists of items that you love and will wear regularly. Incorporating a collection of versatile items into your closet that you can mix and match will give create a versatility that will drastically lower your cost per wear. Of course, you can still indulge yourself occasionally with a single use fashion item, just try not to overwhelm your entire wardrobe with less versatile items. Often times, it makes more sense to rent single-use expensive dresses rather than purchasing them outright.
2. Take care of your skin, hair, and teeth.
When we think of ways to invest in our appearance, most of us probably automatically think about clothing and accessories. But our appearances are so much more than the clothes we wear. Our appearances are the full conglomeration of what we look like to the outside world…including our bodies, our faces, our smiles.
Your body, face, and smile are definitely worth the investment as well as what you decide to wear. To make a lifelong investment in your skin, hair, and teeth, you should start young to delay the appearance of wrinkles and creases. In addition to good nutrition, you can buy anti aging supplement capsules to ensure you are taking in all key nutrients to help keep your skin healthy and glowing. You will also want to keep your hair healthy, voluminous, and shiny; and prevent tooth decay with proper dental hygiene. Keep in mind, however, that is never too late no matter your age to practice healthy habits for your skin, hair, and teeth.
For your skin, frequent use of skincare products such as moisturizers and exfoliation gels will help you to maintain a healthy and youthful glow. Dermal Repair Complex ingredients are also beneficial for promoting clear, healthy skin and diminishing fine wrinkles. Depending on your skin type, you could consider looking into a CBD skincare private label for high quality natural benefits in skincare, pain relief, relaxation, and pro-aging formulas.
For your hair, look for shampoos that are rich in nutrients. And don’t wash it every day! Two to three times a week is sufficient for washing your hair and will help maintain its strength while reducing the production of oils on your scalp. For your teeth, investing in an electric toothbrush and a water pick is a great way to keep your teeth clean and your smile shining bright. While temporary solutions such as make up, hair dye, and teeth whitening strips are great for a quick fix, investing in longer term products will be the most beneficial for your appearance.

3. Learn which types of cosmetic procedures are safe.
If you are looking to permanently change certain aspects of your appearance, cosmetic procedures are available and may be something you have considered. Whatever your reasons for seeking this type of change, as a way of correcting some kind of injury or altering your natural features, cosmetic surgery may be a worthy investment for you. Because procedures of this sort are permanent, you should make sure that the decision is the right one for you. Practice due diligence by thoroughly researching your options and understanding the procedure as well as any possible complications. For example, this may involve watching breast implant videos or speaking directly with a surgeon. It is also important to research and choose a reputable surgeon with a long history of successful procedures.
4. Practice a healthy lifestyle.
Practicing a healthy lifestyle to invest in your overall appearance is not groundbreaking news at all, but still we sometimes need that reminder. So much of what we spend our money on impacts our general health and well being in ways that we may not even consider at first glance. Anything that we choose to put in our bodies, from the food we eat to the beverages we drink and anything else we may choose to smoke or consume, will have an impact our physical appearances.
The sad state of the world, however, is that junk food seems to be way less expensive than healthier options. And so we must consider the foods we eat as an investment in ourselves and our appearances. Other lifestyle habits like smoking and over consumption of alcohol have been proven to cause negative changes in our skin’s appearance. In addition, many processed or sugary foods can lead to tooth decay if not consumed in moderation.
Consciously shifting your spending habits from junk food and other unhealthy bits to healthier options like fresh organic foods or a gym membership is a much better financial investment into your overall appearance. Your physical appearance really is a direct reflection of your overall health, both physically and mentally. And what better thing to invest in as we move onward into 2021!
How do you invest in yourself?
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Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Super ideas and all so important!
Thanks, Tamar! Have a great day!
I am really bad at not using anything for my face! I definitely try to go the dentist once or twice a year and brush regularly but need to flow. I have been wanting to try some type of teeth whitening. I am learning to pay attention to what I wear so I have definitely made better choice clothing wise and wasting less money.
Mireille, thanks so much for sharing your self investment routines! I don’t do very much with skin care either except I wash my face in the shower and I use a makeup cleansing cloth before bed. I moisturize only a few times week or else my skin gets very oily. I have used a teeth whitening system before and I really liked the results, but the process was rather painful and I couldn’t tolerate it to complete the minimum treatments. And I definitely have been shopping much less except for my thrifting adventures!
Jacqui Berry
Great tips Hun, I do try with my appearance. Jacqui x
Thanks, Jacqui! I try, too! It makes me feel so much better!
These are great tips and as I read it I poured myself another glass of water! Watching what we eat and drink is so important health wise! I always notice a change in my complexion when I decide to cut down the coffee and drink more water, but it’s so hard!!
And I really need to get back to exercise! Still have our membership as my son still goes to the gym, and I can’t wear a mask during workouts, but I have no excuses not to exercise at home!
Thanks for sharing, I really needed some reminders!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thanks so much for reading and sharing your experiences. I just had a conversation with my 9 year old about the importance of drinking enough water. He would never drink it if I allowed it and I was the same way! But now I try to be super diligent about drinking enough water. It really does make a huge difference. I also just started doing yoga every morning in the living room because I hate gyms even if I don’t have to wear a mask! Then in the afternoons we do the boys’ virtual gym classes. Elementary gym class is the perfect amount of cardio for my old body! Haha. I figure it’s more exercise than I had been doing so it’s better than nothing. I am feeling much healthier physically and mentally from making these small changes, too. So, find some yoga videos on YouTube and get to it, my friend!
This past year I feel I have not taken care of myself, starting with my teeth!
I just made an appointment to go to the dentist next week, I’ve got to start or i may end up using dentures.
I hear you, Lorena! I finally got to the dentist myself a few weeks ago. It kept getting rescheduled due to pandemic stuff. I think we have all fallen away from self care a bit during this past year, but I am finally making it a focus going forward!
Kathrine Eldridge
I am all about number 1 but all of these are spot on! Thanks for the reminder to invest in yourself.
Thanks, Kathrine! I am focusing on number 4 much more than anything these days…healthy lifestyle…diet and exercise and all that stuff and it is working wonders for me mentally and physically. I don’t know why it took me so long to shift my focus there!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
When I was 17 I saw two older women on the bus and I was entranced by their beautiful skin – I thought, “I want that skin when I’m their age” (which was probably in their 50s/60s), and from that day on, I’ve worn moisturizer with 15SPF every single day (Oil of Olay!). I credit my good skin to that and staying out of the sun. When I met my husband, I told him he should also do that (but of course he didn’t), and now he’s complaining that his skin is all spotted and wrinkled. Told ya so, honey!
I go to the dentist every 5 months, and to my periodontist every 4 months. You have to take care of your teeth! I am mad for interdental bushes (eg. proxabrush) for my gaps.
Some excellent advice here, Shelbee. You have a gorgeous smile!
Sheila, thank you so much for sharing your self-investment practices! I have been blessed with decent skin and teeth which is great because I never practiced a skin care routine until about 3 years ago (at age 43) and it only consists of washing my face in the shower and before bed and applying moisturizer (Ponds!) a few times a week. I do stay out of the sun now and wear sunscreen if I am exposed, but I never paid much attention to that in my younger years as I spent every summer baking in the sun without sunscreen!
I do go to the dentist every 6 months as well but hadn’t visited the dentist at all from the ages of 18-38…yes, twenty years I skipped the dentist because I was absolutely phobic of it! But I found a great dentist here and I don’t mind going now. Fortunately, after 20 years of no dental visits, my new dentist could not believe how healthy and clean my teeth were. But I am over diligent with dental hygiene, brushing my teeth a minimum of 8 times a day…the only issues I have is receding gum lines from brushing too hard too frequently!
Let your husband know it’s never too late to begin a skin care routine! Although wrinkles on men are considered distinguished. It’s a different societal story for women though, isn’t it?
I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend!
That’s why investing in your appearance can pay off greatly for you, both with other people, as well as with your own personal self-confidence.
Thanks so much for commenting! I totally agree with you.
Valerie Hansen
Hi Shelbee..I so agree about purchasing quality wardrobe pieces…over the years Ive wasted too much on fast fashion. I am slowly revamping my closet with quality pieces…
Have a great day…looking so lovely…oh and you have snow already?? I know Canada gets it early..Ha I was born and raised there. My ma is in Calgary..brrrrr!
Thanks so much, Valerie! I have to clean out all the junk in my closet soon and get to curating a wardrobe with more quality pieces.
And nope, no snow here yet! This is an old post! Apparently the most recent WordPress update started rolling old posts across the top of my page and it is confusing people on the timeline of the posts. Haha. I don’t know how to change it but I am going to try! Although it is fun getting new comments on old posts so maybe I won’t change it!
Have a lovely weekend!