4 Ways to Deal with the Unstructured Days of Summer

*As I browse through the internet, blogs, and social media, I am reading how everywhere it is nearly back to school time. A week or two is all that is left of summer before school is back in session. However, in Northern New York, we still have a full four weeks of summer break remaining before the kids head back to their regular school schedules and this mother of two can finally return to my normal state of sanity. At this point in the summer, four weeks seems like an insurmountable time for me to survive to the end! So I thought it would be a good idea to revisit my own tips for dealing with the unstructured days of summer and share them here.
4 Ways to Deal with the Unstructured Days of Summer
(as it appeared at Resilientista)
Summer is here and while the warm weather and longer hours of daylight can revive and rejuvenate your spirits, you can often get lost in the enjoyment of the beautiful days to the point that your daily tasks become neglected. Summer has a tendency to become unstructured while life has a tendency to keep moving forward at the same pace that it always has. You can easily get lost in this lack of structure and find yourself overwhelmed with a list of incomplete tasks that need doing. If this happens and the responsibilities of life begin to pile up on you, unnecessary stress can be the result. As you know, stress does terrible things to your body. In an effort to keep stress at a minimum so you can enjoy your summer days without losing focus on living, here are four tips that will help you deal with the unstructured days of summer.
1. Create a Flexible Routine
First and foremost, create a flexible routine. Structure and routine are so important for keeping on track and accomplishing all of your daily goals. But remaining flexible rather than stringent in your routine will help keep stress at a minimum. For example, if you set a routine with a timeline, but you do not accomplish your tasks on that timeline, do not fret. Just take it in stride and change the timeline a bit. Shift things around and if certain tasks have to wait until tomorrow, then so be it. Create a routine to use as a guideline rather than a strict system that must be followed to a tee. Allow yourself to move and change things around and you will find it much easier to complete your tasks without feeling the stress of a rigid timeline.
2. Spend Time Outside
Now is the time to get outdoors while the weather is warm and the sun is shining. If you already have outdoor activities that you enjoy, schedule time for them into your routine. Either daily or weekly depending on the activity. Maybe you like to garden or participate in sports or perhaps you enjoy more sedentary activities like reading or drawing or knitting. Even the sedentary activities can be done outdoors. If you spend time a lot of time working on a computer, take it outside, breathe in the fresh air and absorb the sun’s rays while you work.
3. Exercise and Engage
We all know the extraordinary benefits of exercise. And now that the weather is warm, this is the time to actively engage in outdoor activities. Physical activity for about an hour each day will keep your body healthy and your mind motivated. Walking, running, hiking, swimming, biking, kayaking…there is a limitless variety of outdoor activities to implement into your summer schedule that will keep you active and engaged in the business of living. Visiting local attractions, like a zoo, a natural hiking trail, or a festival, will get you outdoors and exercising while also providing you with summer entertainment. Most cities and towns host all sorts of summer events that will not only keep you physically active, but will also connect you with your local community. Check social media channels and local community events calendars for upcoming activities.
4. Delay Gratification
To keep yourself on track with your daily obligations while still being able to enjoy the wonderful days of summer, make your to-do list with delayed gratification in mind. What this means: the top of your list should include the necessary and sometimes undesirable tasks that must be completed each day…work, household chores, appointments, etc. Get these things done first knowing that the reward upon completion is enjoying the fun stuff. If you have to make appointments during the summer months, try to schedule them in the morning so they are not hovering over you all day. Once you have completed all of the necessary tasks for the day, you can reward yourself with relaxation and enjoying what remaining hours are left in the day. If you attempt to engage in the enjoyment first, there is no motivation to get to the things that need to be done. So delay that gratification and reward yourself later for accomplishing all of the day’s task.
Most importantly, remember that life is short and self-care is essential to living your best life. Find what works best for you and make the time to nurture yourself. You will be more productive and efficient in the long run.
What have you done to enjoy these summer months and stay on top of all of your other obligations?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.
All photos c/o Unsplash.

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I’ve got 3 weeks until i go back as a teacher and I’ve reached the point where I need a “schedule” to make sure I am not bored and channel surfing all day!
It’s no joke, Tamar! I enjoy the lazy easy unstructured days of summer in the beginning, but at this point…gah…I am losing my mind!
I love these tips! Especially about a flexible routine. I feel like my to-do is a million miles long at times, but some things can wait until tomorrow 😉
Thanks so much, Liz! Remaining flexible is so important for maintaining sanity! We can’t let a little change in plans send us off the deep end! I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!
Melissa @ Loving Life Moore
These are all such fantastic tips! My kiddos aren’t in school yet, technically, just full-time daycare, but I love these tips to help me, especially since my husband is so often TDY or deployed. And a hugeeee YES to self-care! It’s so easy to forget about yourself, but that’s often most important piece!
Melissa, thanks so much! I know the crazy that is military life with a husband who is gone way too often. It is a wonder how any of us maintain our sanity ever! It seems my husband is always TDY throughout the entire winter every year…leaving me to trek kids to school in the snow and be responsible for all the snow removal…and you know how taxing that can be in Watertown!
You know we started back to school today, and I’m excited about having our routine back. I love summer, but the lack of structure throws me a little, I should have read this sooner!
Pumps and Push-Ups
I should have published it sooner, Brooke! Although it was published in Resilientista in June and I meant to share it in early July and forgot! Because the lack of structure in summer has me all a mess! I am a bit jealous that your kids are back to school. Enjoy the return to routine, my friend.
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
This is a great way to deal with summertime. Especially if people are home during the day with the kiddos, it’s easy to get into a slump. I do love the idea of making a flexible schedule and spending time outside.
Thank you, Laura! We were spending lots of time outside early in the summer and then it go so darn hot and humid that it became unbearable. I am ready for the weather to cool down so we can get back outside! Have a great weekend!