17 Ways to Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving Season & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #302

With Thanksgiving just two days away, I thought I would share a list of thoughtful ways that we can express our gratitude this holiday season.
Gratitude is a conscious and positive emotion that exhibits a readiness to show appreciation for the kindness of others as well as thankfulness for any and all good things, tangible or not. But the conscious act of gratitude is much more than just practicing good manners. Gratitude requires recognition and acknowledgement of the goodness in others as well as the ability to be actively thankful for all of the positive things in our lives. When we make a conscious effort to recognize and appreciate the positive, the positive becomes our focal point which directs us on our path forward. And a positive focal point will always make for a much smoother journey.
I browsed online for a while to find some creative ways for expressing gratitude and I came up with a list of 17 of my favorite ideas. Perhaps you will be inspired to creatively express your gratitude this Thanksgiving season.
1. Start a gratitude journal or begin daily gratitude meditations.
A gratitude journal is a great way to highlight the blessings in your life. Take a few minutes each day to write down a few things that you are grateful for. Your growing list of blessings will become a wonderful resource and reminder for you in times of need.
I have been wanting to start a gratitude journal for years but it never quite makes it to the top of my list. Instead I have incorporated a short gratitude meditation into my daily routine. In fact, it is just a few lines that express the Reiki ideals which are a beautiful reminder to keep a perspective of gratitude at all times.
Just for today... I will be grateful. I will not worry. I will not anger. I will do my work honestly. I will be kind to myself and others.
2. Send an unexpected thank you note to someone.
Has someone done a small kindness for you that normally wouldn’t warrant a thank you note? Why not send one anyway? People always appreciate when they are appreciated!
3. Help someone.
You can make dinner for someone in a caretaker position to ease one responsibility for them. You can babysit for a friend who needs a break from kids. You can buy and deliver groceries to someone in need. You can be a free car service to someone who needs rides to appointments. You can offer your help to someone you know. Or you can reach out to local charity groups to see if there are people you don’t know who could benefit from your help.
4. Spend time in nature.
Show your appreciation for nature and gratitude for our planet by spending time outdoors acknowledging the beauty and power that supports our entire existence. You can even make a deliberate effort to clean up our environment by picking up trash or planting a tree or taking any other steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle. It shows our planet that we recognize the damage we have done and we are willing to make the necessary changes to help fix it.
5. Leave positive online reviews and in-person feedback.
Have you ever noticed how quick people are to share their negative experiences but they are much less enthusiastic about sharing positive experiences? That has always baffled me and so I have always been quick to leave positive feedback while chalking up any negative experiences to a bad day.
I think it is much more important to offer praise where praise is due than it is to highlight someone’s mistakes. We all make them and we should all offer each other a little more grace when it happens. So if a service or product has met or exceeded your expectations, why not take a few moments to publicly acknowledge that?
Perhaps you had a wonderful experience with a server in a restaurant. One of my favorite methods in restaurant situations is that I ask to speak to a manager in a very calm but serious tone so there is a tiny bit of tension when the manager approaches. Then I burst into abundant praises of the server, the food, the whole dining experience. I love to watch their facial expressions shift from one of concern to one of joy. I encourage you to try it!

6. Plan a date with someone special.
Is there someone special in your life who would appreciate your undivided attention? Your partner, your child, your parent, your sibling, your friend? You can plan a surprise date as a way to show your gratitude for this special person and your relationship with them. Maybe it’s just a quiet night at home or perhaps you can plan an experience that your special someone has been wanting to try. Be creative as you’d like and enjoy the process!
7. Share thank you bread.
Also known as monkey bread, you can make this delicious sharable treat as way to practice communal gratitude. Each person takes a turn pulling off a chunk of the gooey cinnamon roll and then shares something they are grateful for before eating it. Then you go around the table, each person sharing something they are thankful for, until all the bread is gone. Trust me, all the bread will be gone. I have never had leftover monkey bread. I guess that means we are a grateful bunch! (Actually, we have never played the thank you game with monkey bread but we are going to now!)
8. Share random expressions of gratitude.
Write random expressions of gratitude and thankfulness on brightly colored sticky notes and place them around your home and workplace. Let family members know you love and appreciate them, tell a co-worker you are grateful for them and their help, or simply let someone know you appreciate them just for being themselves.
9. Practice random acts of kindness.
Random acts of kindness are sort of like random expressions of gratitude on steroids. The expression of gratitude in this case is just a bit more involved than a few words on a sticky note. You could leave delivery driver thank you snacks or even a hot chocolate bar on your porch as an expression of appreciation for all the folks who make sure we get the things we have ordered. You could leave an extra large tip for a worthy person in the service industry. You can send donuts and coffee to your local emergency first responders with an anonymous thank you note. You could shovel the neighbor’s snow or pay for the order of the person behind you in the drive through line. Paying kindnesses forward is a beautiful way to show appreciation for kindnesses offered to us.
10. Publicly recognize those who help and inspire you.
Whether it is a co-worker, a family member, a friend, a professional, or a business, publicly recognizing when someone has helped or inspired you is a great way to show your appreciation. You can leave online reviews and feedback for businesses or professionals, you can thank a co-worker by acknowledging them to your boss, you can publicly show your appreciation for family or friends on any social media platform of your choosing. Offering public words of affirmation can have a very profound effect on all involved parties.
11. Send special thank you notes to your children or parents.
I don’t think any of us thank our children or our parents enough. While I no longer have living parents to thank, I do recognize and appreciate the very strong foundation of love upon which they raised me. I have continued to build on this foundation as I raise my own children. As you know, children can drive us crazy on a daily basis so it is really important to let them know that we love and appreciate them all the same. For our lives would seem so empty without them and they have changed me for the better in countless ways.

12. Pamper your pets.
Do your pets get enough of your attention? It is important to show our pets how much we appreciate them and we can best do this by dedicating special time to them. Whether it’s a romp through the woods with your dog or a lap session with your cat, your pet is sure to appreciate any special attention and affection given to them.
13. Donate your time.
If you don’t have much to give, donating your time to help your community or people or places in need is another wonderful way to express gratitude for all the blessings you have in your life. You could volunteer your time at senior citizen centers, youth centers, literacy programs, hospitals, or homeless shelters. Find your passion and donate your time.
14. Send or hand deliver flowers.
This one falls under random acts of kindness but I wanted to mention it separately because this is something I have learned from my husband. When his cherished rose bushes are in bloom, he always snips one off and leaves it in a coffee cup by the coffee pot for me to find in the morning. It always brightens my day. But he also snips off the roses and hands them out to our neighbors as well as to office staff when he has appointments. I think he has even given them to the cashiers at the grocery store. I don’t think anyone has ever been upset by receiving flowers! (Unless they have an allergic reaction. Eek. You should probably know that before sending someone flowers!)
15. Be present.
A really simple way to show someone that you appreciate them is to be present in the moments that you are with them. And if you can’t be physically present with them, you can spend a few moments with your energy focused on them, whether it is through prayer, meditation, or other healing methods. There are many different ways that we can be present with one another in order to express our gratitude.
16. Just say it!
If you are feeling grateful for someone or something and want to express your appreciation, just say it! Send a text or make a phone call for the specific purpose of letting a special someone know how much you appreciate them.
17. Smile and keep shining bright.
The best way of all to make a blanket expression of gratitude for all the blessings in your life is to smile and keep shining your bright light into the world. Gratitude is light. Light is love. And love is the very thing that holds this whole mess together!

I am wishing you all a season filled with many blessings and equal amounts of gratitude. And just so you know, I appreciate each and every one of you who stops by my little internet space. You are all so kind and supportive and I appreciate it more than words can express. Happy Thanksgiving!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Bo of Bo’s Bodacious Blog

Fashion Favorite: Claire of Claire Justine

Other Favorite: Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish

Giving thanks from the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress-Old Navy / Boots-Durango / Bag-Teddy Blake / Necklace, Earrings, Scarf, Hat, Wrap-Old

Anne M Bray
This post gave me all the warm fuzzies.
I thank YOU for your steady posting.
You are a beacon!
Keep shining bright, my friend.
(((((((((o))))))))) Hugs!
Oh my goodness, Anne, thank you so much, my beautiful friend! You, too, are a beacon of inspiration! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!
jess jannenga
HI Shelbee!
This is an excellent list of gratitude! I often pray at night and say what I am grateful for. You know we spoil Gibby and Truffy and I love it! I do think the art of thank you cards, and physical cards in general are often used less now that everything can be done electronically. I love sending cards. I just sent my mom/family one for Thanksgivng since I wont be able to be there. Doing those random acts are so important to just spread kindness. I always find it interesting how some people look so surprised when you do so, or give a compliment.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I do love how you spoil Gibby and Truffles! They are some seriously loved pups, that’s for sure, and your gratitude for your fur babies is evident! I also love when I do a random act of kindness for someone and they look very confused at first before realizing I am just being kind for the sake of kindness. I always begin phone calls with polite pleasantries, too, first asking the person who answered the phone how their day is going. Every single person pauses in bewilderment when I start the conversation with, “Hi {insert person’s name}, how are you today?” There is always a long pause before they respond hesitatingly as if my next question might be to ask for their first born! Haha. I suppose random gestures of kindness and gratitude really is a dying art. But one that I would like to keep alive! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend.
jess jannenga
Oh, and thank you for the feature! That Santa left something to be desired! He didn’t want the pups on his lap! LOL
You are welcome! And seriously, the Santa was not cool with your pups??? What a jerk!
jess jannenga
Says the link party is not open BTW. 😉
Thanks for the heads up! I had scheduled it for p.m. instead of a.m. Arrgh! I’s all set now.
These are all fabulous suggestions for expressing gratitude! Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much, Joanne! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family as well!
These are great ideas to express gratitude! I always blow off leaving reviews and need to do that more often. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I have gotten really lazy with leaving reviews as well and need to get back to it! Hopefully, this post prompts us both to do it more often! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!
This was an awesome post. Great ideas to express gratitude around thanksgiving or whenever. I love the cowboy boots with that peasant dress. Have a great thanksgiving. ♥️
Thanks so much, Tricia! I am definitely all for expressing gratitude all year long. There should not be just one season for giving thanks. We should feel appreciation for all the good things in our lives every single day! I hope you are having a beautiful week!
Mica Away From The Blue
This is such a nice outfit! I like the pretty floral dress with the boots and the scarves look so nice layered with it.
Such a good post to remind us to be more thankful and appreciate what we have too.
Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Mica! I was really pleased with how this layered look came together! And I am definitely grateful for my abundant wardrobe which allows me to get so creative with my outfits. I hope you are having a blessed week, my friend.
What a fab list! I like the idea of “thank you” bread.
Thanks, Lovely! Sharing some delicious gooey cinnamon bread is an excellent way to express gratitude together!
Lovely ideas Shelbee. I make a point of leaving positive reviews. Your outfit is fabulous, pinned ! Happy Thanksgiving
Thanks so much, Gail! I have gotten lazy with writing reviews, but writing this post has inspired me to get back to it!
It’s good to be grateful. To appreciate the great things that happen in your life. But also the normal things. Because life is just something unreal, really.
It really is unreal sometimes, isn’t it?! What a ride! Yes, I agree that we should be grateful even for the little normal things. And you are always an inspiration when it comes to living an abundant life filled with love, laughter, and joy! I love you, my friend, and am extraordinarily grateful for you and our friendship!
Bojana Krienke
You truly are one of the most thoughtful and inspiring people I follow online. I am always moved by the size of your heart and your own reflection. love this list espeicially the idea of making the time for small things such as sending an email or note to someone in your life, or leaving a review for a company or someone I follow. You know, I am so moved by your list that I am thinking this might just be the list I use for myself for 2023 to practice gratitued and connection. Thank you.
Oh wow, Bo, I am so flattered by this comment! I really appreciate that and I appreciate you! I am always a work in a progress, striving to find more ways to help and inspire people to be kinder towards one another. We were never meant to go on this journey alone and we all need more love and kindness in this world. Since I have no power to change others, I focus on changing myself…and that ultimately changes others in the way they respond to me. So all change really does start within ourselves! I hope you have a most blessed holiday season, my friend!
These are all great ideas and I try to do most of them.
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, my friend!
Amy Johnson
thank you for the party! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks, Amy! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
What a great post for a special time of the year. Sadly many people do not appreciate what’s under their nose and realize how fortunate we are to be living in a world full of beauty and goodness. Sparing a smile or a few kind words to another may certainly cheer up your day a little but could make a significant difference to another.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours – and what a pretty outfit today!
Pamela x
Pamela, thanks so much! I had some really big epiphanies when we were all locked down. One of them was just that…I realized how truly blessed I am. I wanted for nothing during those crazy times. I was safe and loved and protected and fed and those things are so much more important than all the other things. It is a game changer when you gain certain perspectives. And I am sure glad that I gained the perspective I did…gratitude really does make living so much better!
Lovely outfit as always! Thank you for sharing this post. Such a great reminder of the reason for the season 🙂 I’m totally going to do some of these!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I am doing some of these things, too. I have monkey bread all ready for today! I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. I love this post. I think I might have to craft this into a lesson for my students-the part about how to show graditude. Very nice. Thanks for hosting. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Thanks so much, Patrick! It might be fun to have your students create their own list of ideas together! Then you can challenge them to see who can do the most number of gratitude gestures in a set period of time. A contest for who can be the kindest! I hope you have a wonderful holiday, my friend.
Such a beautiful and motivational list. Such lovely ideas. I love your dress too. Thank you so much for hosting and such a lovely surprise to be featured too. Thanks so much 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! I am really loving the ease and comfort of long flowy dresses! I need to wear them more in the cooler weather with boots. I love when you pair your Docs with dresses! So cute!
Excellent ideas! I try to practice gratitude daily. I feel better when I make this conscious effort. Yesterday, I told my rheumatologist how much I appreciated him. He beamed. Everybody, even experts in their field, needs so hear they are doing well.
I love this calico print dress! So sweet. Lovely outfit all around.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I agree with you completely that even the experts appreciate validation! I remember last year when Ralph’s nut allergies were cleared with a clean allergy test, I told his allergy doctor how grateful we are for all of his help and treatment but I also told him that I am glad we never have to see him again despite what a lovely and helpful man he is! That made him beam and laugh out loud! I hope you had a lovey Thanksgiving, my friend.
Your photos are so lovey! You set a mood of traveling back to a simpler time and place with the wodland background and your pretty prairie outfit. I very much appreciate and enjoy your positive blog content, and thoughtful posts. Great list of ways to express gratitude, I try to practice most of them in my daily life. The one I have to work the hardest on-staying present! So very many distraction to pull us away from what is most important-paying attention in the moment. Hope you and your family are having a great Thanksgiving holiday!
Di, thanks so much for this beautiful comment! I think we all get caught up in the distractions of life and forge to be present in life’s moments. I love writing posts like this because I give myself gentle reminders as well! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving filled with much love and laughter!
Love these! So many great ways to practice gratitude, and doing that is so important for a positive mindset!
Julie, thanks so much! I really appreciate that! And I agree that gratitude is the very best thing for a positive attitude.