14 Life Lessons I Have Learned Through Blogging & Link Up On the Edge #108

Time really does fly when you are having fun, doesn’t it? I cannot believe that I have been at this blogging game for three years already! THREE years. That is kind of a long time to commit to something that you have to be 100% self-motivated to stay on track. Granted over the past three years, my commitment may have waxed and waned a bit, but for the most part I have remained fairly consistent. It is truly a labor of love…work of this sort. And so many things have evolved and changed since the beginning of Shelbee on the Edge.
I have been brainstorming for weeks about what I wanted to do to celebrate this third anniversary of my blog. But the brainstorming basically left me empty-handed (and empty-headed). And I really had nothing…short of my saying to my husband last night, “Hey, I’m gonna get dressed up and let’s go somewhere and take fun photos for my anniversary blog post tomorrow.” Little did I know that this simple adventure would lead me to the perfect topic for this post.
First let me share our photography experience with you. Once I was all dressed up, my husband and I got in the car and started driving aimlessly around town looking for inspiration to shoot photos. I was feeling some old school Goth vibes in my outfit and started thinking that I wanted to be at a quaint old church somewhere. My husband remembered this little Presbyterian and Episcopal Church where we used to take the kids for Kindermusic a few years back. That location was perfectly appealing to me so we headed out of town in that direction. We arrived at the church and parked right in front. It is situated on the main road in a quiet town on the outskirts of our small city and there was no one around. As my blogger friends know, it is always so much more comfortable shooting photos without an audience. We snapped maybe 4 or 5 photos when I heard a woman’s voice coming from a distance saying, “Wow. Those are going to be beautiful photos. Your outfit is so pretty.”
I looked up and saw two women sitting on the front porch of the house directly across the street from the church. I never even noticed them there even though I was looking straight at them. They got up and began walking across the street towards us inquiring about the nature of my photo shoot. As I was explaining that I write a blog and was taking pictures for my third anniversary post, one of the women pointed out that my outfit coordinated perfectly with her charming home. She then offered her house as a backdrop for my photos. I was beyond excited and ever so grateful as I always wanted to take photographs on a big old beautiful porch like hers. After making our introductions and handing them my business cards, the two women walked away and we went to take some photos. I am so happy with the result. I cannot thank VV and Savina enough for their very kind and generous offer in allowing me to use their home for my photos.
And it was this gracious, unsolicited, and selfless act of kindness that inspired the topic for this post. So in celebration of my first 3 years of this blogging journey, here are some amazing life lessons that I have learned. I have learned them through my own writing process, through my reading and research, through online communications with other bloggers, through real life meetings with blogger friends, through putting myself out there in my community, through interacting with strangers and making human connections all in the name of what Shelbee on the Edge represents. And some of the things that my blog represents are kindness and love, awareness and insight, enlightenment and spirituality, empowerment and encouragement. I now give you…
14 Life Lessons I Have Learned Through Blogging
1. Kindness lives on despite the ugliness that is often too prevalent in this world. There are kind people everywhere…like VV and Savona. Be open to receiving such kindness and be willing to give kindness in return.
2. Serendipitous events happen all the time. We just need to be alert and aware of them in order to appreciate and accept the message that the universe is delivering to us. Sometimes the universe knows what we need at any given moment better than we know ourselves.
3. There is beauty all around us. Keep your eyes open and look. It is in nature, the trees, the stones, the water. It is in the people that pass by us every day. It is in the architecture in our communities. It is quite literally everywhere. Be sure to look up and out from your small little microcosm and you will be met with all of the undeniable beauty that surrounds us.
4. A sense of community is so important to achieve the most fulfilling human experience. People need people whether we want to accept that or not.
5. Every person has a story. A story that is filled with pain and joy and achievement and loss. And because we all have a story, we are all relatable to one another and we all are connected in some way. We need to embrace those connections as they will help us thrive.
6. A sense of humor has healing powers beyond any prescription drug that I have ever tried. If you can still laugh, even if it is the slightest chuckle, then you can survive whatever it is that you are battling.
7. Vulnerability is a strength not a weakness. We all feel vulnerable at times therefore we can relate to others when they share their vulnerabilities in an open and honest way.
8. Be honest, be true, be authentic, be real, be genuine, be raw, be you. And do this all without apology. While some may not necessarily like what you represent or agree with your beliefs and opinions, they will always appreciate your dedication to transparency and truth.
9. Be open to new things. Even if they scare you half to death. Take chances, face your fears, step outside of your comfort zone. The most amazing things can happen when you do that. And the worst thing that might happen is that you realize something just isn’t for you. But at the end of the day, you can at least say that you gave it a shot.
10. Share your story. Talk about the things that are super uncomfortable. Chances are someone else is suffering in silence, feeling alone and afraid about the same exact thing. This is how a sense of community and human connection are formed. And the more you share your story, the quicker you will heal.
11. What you put into the world really does come back to you. Be aware of that and choose carefully the type of energy you infuse into the universe.
12. Be grateful. Every single day. Count your blessings not your hardships. The hardships will eventually pass and you will appreciate the good things in life no matter how small they may be. And be sure to appreciate all of them.
13. Life is short. Really, really short. And no one knows what happens when we leave this place. So make the best of the time you have here. Embrace connections. Open your eyes and your heart. Experience things…all things, anything, new things, crazy things.
14. Trust the process and enjoy the ride!
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Chrissy of Granola & Grace shared her post, Costco Style: The Most Worn T-Shirt Dress. Looking fabulous as always and updating us all on her Florida adventures, I am always a fan of what Chrissy is wearing, doing, and preaching!

And Betsy of Natty Gal shared her post, An Infinitely Different Date Night. You must go check out her experience at the Cleveland Art Museum!

I want to thank you all of you for your continued support of my blog and my mission. Without you here, reading what I write, I don’t what inspiration I would have to continue sharing. I appreciate you all more than words can adequately express. I would love to hear what lessons have you learned on your journey through life. I invite you to share in the comments.
Keeping it on the edge,
I leave you with this silly little behind the scenes shot…this is what happens when my husband is taking my photos and says, “Whatever you’re doing right now, your face looks funny.” And my response is, “What? This face?”
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Happy 3rd blogging anniversary, lady! Isn’t it amazing what you’ve learned + experienced in just three years? The blogging community is really worthwhile. 🙂 Happy Friday and thanks for hosting a great linkup!
Le Stylo Rouge
Ashley, thank you so much, my friend! It has been quite the journey and such a fulfilling one, too! The blogging community really is quite amazing! Have a fantastic weekend and thank you so much for your continued support!
Congratulations Shelbee! I have watched your blog grow since the beginning and your confidence too!
Laurie, thank you so much! It has been a great pleasure getting to know you through the process. And I have watched your blog grow by leaps and bounds as well! It is so exciting!
Happiest of anniversaries to you, sweet lady! Great photos and I so loved the story of how they came about. Thanks for sharing the wonderful life lessons we should all remember daily. Here’s to another great year ahead!
Jennie, thank you so much! What a ride this has been. So many great things have come about because of blogging. I am so grateful to have gotten to know you through the process as well. I appreciate your support, your kindness, and your blogging friendship more than words can express! Cheers to many more years of blogging!
Nicole at High Latitude Style
Happy blogversary. Thanks for hosting this party.
Thanks so much, Nicole! I appreciate all of your continued support! Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
Happy Blog Anniversary Shelbee! I love and agree with every lesson you have learned. You look is so chic and fun and dying over those platforms. Thanks for the link up!
Kathrine, thank you so much! It has been such a pleasure getting to know you though this blogging journey! I appreciate your support and friendship so very much! And can you believe that these sandals were less than $5 on Target clearance?! Such a great find! Have a wonderful weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Happy 3rd anniversary of blogging. Great life lessons you have learned there. Very cool. You look great. Thanks for all the hard work you do and for hosting. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thank you so much for everything….all of your support, your kindness, and your friendship. It has been such a great pleasure getting to know you through this blogging adventure! Some day I will make my way to the west coast and hopefully our paths will cross in real life then! Have a fantastic weekend, my friend.
jodie filogomo
I love that last photos…maybe because we have a ton of them. My mom is ALWAYS talking when we take photos…haha!!
And what a fabulous way to celebrate 3 years Shelbee. We should all remember these points because life is too precious to waste!!
Jodie, thank you so much! I definitely have way more bad photos than good ones! They are fun to laugh at though, aren’t they? Gah, I so want to meet all of you one day! My target is next year’s Forever Fierce meet up. Unfortunately, I cannot make it this year, but as long as we are all still at this thing next year (which I am sure we will be), I am aiming for making it there! What an amazing ride this has been and I am so grateful to call you and many other amazing people I have met along the way my friends. Love you, fierce sister!
Michele Morin
Oh, Congratulations to you, my friend!
Thank you so very much, Michele!
jacqueline berry
Happy bloganniversary! Thanks for sharing the outfit, I love black lace and recently wore a black lace dress on the blog (you might have seen it) It’s just so versatile isn’t it. Jacqui Mumabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I have more black lace in my closet than any woman should own! Ha. I think I did miss yours, but I am heading over now to find it!
happy blogiversary! 😛 I hope it’s been a great 3 years for you! I love all the lessons you shared and couldn’t agree more 🙂 Love chatting to you in this space so please keep on showing up for it xx Thanks for sharing little pieces of your life with us!
Tianna, thank you so much! I appreciate that more than you know. It has been wonderful getting to know you, too. You are one fascinating woman, for sure, and I am so grateful that you also share bits of your life with us! I will keep showing up as long as you all keep reading!
Osy osehie
Congratulations Shelbee and happy blogging anniversary. These are all such great lessons learnt through blogging.
Thank you so very much, Osy! I appreciate your continued support of what I do here! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Karren Haller
Thank you for hosting Shelbee, have a great weekend!
Thanks so much, Karren! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.
And how Sweet it is that you could shoot in front of their fabulous house!
Now celebrate your anniversary because you grew so hard! And that takes an enormous amount of work!
Nancy, thanks so much! I am so grateful and so blessed to have made so many amazing friends all around the world because of my blog! Thank you for everything…your kindness, your support, and your friendship!
Kellyann Rohr
Keep up the great work my friend, you do an amazing job on this site helping women in so many ways!!!
Kellyann, thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me…so validating. It has been a great pleasure getting to know you and all of the other amazing people in this community. I am so blessed to call you friend!
Cheryl Shops
Happy blogiversary, Shelbee! Thanks for sharing all that you’ve learned, and those great berry platform sandals!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I have learned so much more, but I had to cut myself off or the post would have never ended! And these sandals were less than $5 on Target clearance! Isn’t that a great find?! Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Congrats on your 3rd year blog anniversary. I have so enjoyed watching you grow and learn along the way. Look forward to more Shelbee On The Edge for years to come.
Regan, thank you so much! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and all of the wonderful people in this blogging community. I look forward to providing more valuable content going forward…as long as I keep finding inspiration around me! Have a fantastic weekend!
Julie Caron
I love your 14 sentiments. They are so important, so true and so easy to forget in our day to day experience. Let’s all try to remember more and it’ll enrich all our lives.
Thank you, Julie! More enriched lives all around is the goal, for sure! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend!
Happy blog anniversary beautiful and cheers to many more! You look fantastique
Edwige | htpp://www.hypnozglam.com
Thank you so much, Edwige! You are so kind and it has been a pleasure getting to know you through this blogging journey!
Happy blog anniversary Shelbee!
It has been so much fun getting to know you and being a part of your link up parties!
Here’s to continued friendship!
Robin, thanks so much! It has been wonderful getting to you know as well. So many fabulous women have come into my life because of this blog and I couldn’t be more grateful!
Shelbee, congratulations! This is truly a milestone worthy of celebration and you’re killing it with blogging. Your lessons and observations are marvelous. You truly “walk the talk” with kindness and as a role model for other bloggers. I’ve also been wanting to tell you that I’ve noticed a wonderful improvement in your photos. You are always fabulous but lately there’s more joy and ease coming through the lens. Kudos to your photographer and the rest of your support staff as well.
Rena, thank you so much! I can’t believe that I have been at this for 3 years already and all of the amazing people I have met because of it. I am so grateful to call so many of them, including you, my friends. What a fantastic ride! And lately it has just been my husband behind the camera. He is getting pretty good with experience! And we have been venturing further and further away for locations and viewing it as quality time together which contributes to the ease and joy I think! I cannot thank you enough for all of your support and encouragement and friendship! Have a great weekend.
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Shelbee all the best for your 3rd blog anniversary! You look so gorgeous and these pictures are wonderful. This women was very kind and you look amazing forward this cute home.
A huge hug, Tina
Tina, thank you so much! It has been so wonderful getting to know you over the past few years of blogging!
Liz Klebba
Great post! People often ask how I can be so trusting, and I always answer that you get back what you send out there! (I’m not stupid, but willing to give the benefit of the doubt. And it has brought much joy, and many riches and surprises into my life.) That said, I have been flung upon by quite the shoe envy! Love those velvet sandals!
Liz, thank you so much! I am a true believer in that concept of you get back what you give and I have had the same experience as you…it has brought me joy and many wonderful surprises. It can sometimes bring heartache as well, but I am resilient and can handle it! And I always have shoe envy of any adorable shoe I see! Would you believe I paid less than $5 for these on the Target clearance rack?
Liz Klebba
What a lucky find!
Yes, indeed!
Lauren Sparks
I love your locales this week! And your beautiful lessons. laurensparks.net
Thanks so much, Lauren! Have a great weekend.
Jessica A Jannenga
Hehe, about the last photo… my hubby says this often! Now, Congratulations on 3 yrs of blogging! It is a lot of work, but quite rewarding and fun too. These are some great things you have learned. I think it is important to laugh, smile, and also appreciate the day. Time does go by! That was so awesome the lady let you use her house as background! It looks pretty cool, i love houses with character! The black and burgundy are a great pairing and I love the bow belt. Those shoes too are pretty, of course I love velvet!
jess xx
Jess, thank you! Blogging is a ton of work but I do love it so much! It is one of the main reasons I get out of bed every day. The chance to make a difference in this world through what I write is what motivates me every day. And aren’t our husbands the best? The ones who willingly agree to spend the limited time we have together getting behind the camera and taking our photos. My husband sure does tolerate a lot from me with this blogging business! Now I am ready for fall and all the velvet things! Thanks for your friendship and your support on this blogging journey!
Happy Blog Anniversary Shelbee! Congratulations on your 3rd year! Your photos turned out beautifully and your outfit is perfect. I agree with you and what you have learned throughout your journey. I too believe in kindness, building a community and always being grateful. To me, these are key in life. Happy Friday and wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much! It has been so wonderful getting to know you through this journey. I appreciate all of your support and your friendship more than I can adequately express. Have a fantastic weekend!
I wanted to congratulate you on your 3 year! I have enjoyed getting to know you through our blogs. I also want to thank you for tackling some tough topics and sharing your valuable insights, you are one of the kindest and most friendly people. Many blessings
Nina, thank you so much! If it weren’t for all the wonderful, supportive, and empowering people who read and validate what I write, I never would have made it this far. I appreciate your friendship so very much!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
A beautiful read Shelbee! What lovely ladies to approach you and offer their home as a backdrop! You give off such warmth through your blog – I’m sure they were picking up on your aura and responded to it. This post has given me a lift this morning. Have a great weekend lovely xxx
Maria, thank you so much for this lovely comment! And I am so glad that my post could you lift you! I appreciate your support and friendship so very much.
Chrissy Rowden
Shelbee, this post is fabulous and a perfect way to celebrate your 3rd year! Congratulations. I can’t believe it’s alreat been 3 years, as I’m quite sure I was following since the first year; maybe not the first few months but definitely towards the beginning. And I can attest to you staying true to yourself, being open and real and advocating kindness and community. It’s a pleasure to get to know you through the blogosphere. I love that this post celebrates all of your tips…from the sweet lady offering her home and you going for it to the fabulous outfit you styled. Love it Shelbee and let me say thank you for the fun shout out and kind words! I had all these thoughts in my head and then saw my pic – made me smile big. Love this blogging community!
Chrissy, thank you so, so much! It has been quite the journey, for sure. And yes, I believe we have been following each other from the beginning of my journey. I feel like I have known you for a very long time already! Some day, I do hope our paths will cross in real life as I am certain we will be fast friends! You rock and I adore you more than words can adequately convey! Thanks so much for your support, your kindness, your friendship, and all of the wonderful things you do for this blogging community and your own community! You are a very special woman, indeed, and I am blessed to call you my friend.
Evgenia Kovalievska
Lovely shoes, very nice color!
Thank you so much, Evgenia! Have a fantastic weekend.
Stunning. I adore the velvet platforms and socks. Happy 3 year anniversary <3
Thank you so very much! Have a wonderful weekend!
Barbara Chapman ~ French Ethereal
Hi Shelbee!
I’m so glad I found your blog! It brightens my day to stop by. 🙂 Funny, I was thinking that in this cute dress and heels, you remind me of Gabby on NCIS. She’s a favorite character. Anyway, just wanted to say Thank You for Hosting! and this post is great! I love how the owners of this beautiful Queen Anne (?) Victorian home suggested coming over and using their home as a backdrop ~ two beautiful places at once!! <3
I do feel there is a lot of goodness and beauty in the world. Saved several photos to my Faith, Les Chateaux, Fun and Funky Clothing boards and I think a couple of more for you and our readers. Fun post and I love your style!!! There's a part of me that would love to be all punk and rocker, but usually I'm pretty conservative. 😉
Have a great rest of your weekend,
Barb 🙂
Barb, thank you so much! I cannot even express how truly grateful I am for these kind words and for all of your support and sharing! I am so glad that we have discovered one another. That is the true beauty of this blogging community. There are so many amazing people with so many great things to share who engage in the blogosphere and support one another! By the way, I do love getting in touch with my punk rock side from days of yore! It makes me feel young again but with all the wisdom of four decades! And yet there’s a part of me that sometimes wishes I could be more conservative. And that is the beauty of fashion. We can decide to be whomever we want every single day by the clothing we choose. You should tap into that inner rocker chick even if it is just for one day. You might surprise yourself!
Barbara Chapman ~ French Ethereal
p.s. Congratulations on your three year bloggerversary!!! I totally forgot to mention that, plus I like your friend’s outfits, too. The t-shirt dress is super cute!
See ya next time! I put up two related posts this week: Painting and Slipcovering Furniture for an Updated Look and Antiquing Furniture with Chalk Paint. Hope you like them!!!
Barb, thanks so much for linking up with me every week, too! I really appreciate it. And even though I don’t get around to comment as often as I would like, I do love seeing all the wonderful posts shared.
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, this is probably one of the most charming posts I’ve read in a while! And I don’t just mean the writing, I mean the setting too. How fortunate to have met such lovely ladies who offered up their house for a photoshoot. And it’s such a beautiful house, isn’t it? I always try and get photos when there’s no-one around too, which is kinda silly considering we’re then sharing the photos with the world!
Your outfit is gorgeous. I am totally getting the gothic vibe (one of my favourite vibes too!). You look absolutely stunning. And congratulations on the third blogaversary, my gorgeous friend!
Suzy xxx
Suzy, thank you so very much! What a fabulous journey the last 3 years have been. I have gotten to know so many amazing people, including yourself. I feel so blessed to call you my friend and appreciate your support more than words can express! And I do always find myself returning to that good old Gothic vibe every now and then. It is also one of my favorites! I am looking forward to joining you tomorrow for The Fab 40’s!
Emma Peach
Happy 3rd blog anniversary Shelbee! Blogging is a lot of work but very fulfilling. I totally agree with these 14 life lessons you’ve shared. Beautiful photos, and I love your outfit! The last photo is brilliant!
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much! I do love this blogging journey and the amazing community of people! It has been such a pleasure getting to you know through it!
Congrats on 3 years of blogging, on your life lessons I like them all but 13, 14 the most
Thanks so much, Paul! I really appreciate all of your support! Definitely enjoy the ride…because it is a short one!
Happy Anniversary Shelbee!! That house goes so prefect with your outfit, those ladies were so right! I love what you decided to share in your anniversary post. All about being positive and uplifting each other is what it’s all about. Well said my friend 😉
Mel, thank you so very much! This was a fun and rewarding post to write. The same as this blogging journey…fun and rewarding!
Happy Anniversary, Shelbee! Those are very good lessons… Some of them are harder to keep in mind then others. Great photos, you’ve reminded me I have some anklets that will be wanting to come out and play before too long ;).
Kim, thank you so much! I feel like it is good to remind ourselves of these little tips every now and again! We all too often get caught up in the grind of daily living that we forget to live. And yes, get those cute little anklets out, my friend!
This post has reminded me why I fell in love with blogging. The community is fabulous x #openslather
Thanks so much, Alicia! It is such a fulfilling and rewarding experience, isn’t it?!
Beautiful photos Shelbee, your rock this outfit! How cool is this house!!
Thanks for stopping by during the holidays, I am just catching up. Have a lovely weekend.
Claire, thanks so much! This was a really fun outfit to style and shoot for my special blog celebration.