100th Post: 100 of My Favorite Things
I have been so excited to publish my 100th blog post! I have had a lot of ups and downs through the last 99 posts between struggling with writer’s block, motivation issues, and the constant readjustments due to Army life. I am pleasantly surprised that I have stuck with blogging long enough to publish 100 posts. And I have my one year blogiversary coming up in about a week. So please stay tuned for a very special post in celebration of that blogging milestone as well!
After much brainstorming and lots of input from friends, I decided for my 100th post that I would share with you 100 of my favorite things. (A huge thank you to Aimee as this idea really was 100% hers!) Perhaps these 100 things will give you a bit more insight into who Shelbee is. Actually, you probably already have a pretty good idea of who Shelbee is because I am pretty open and honest in what I write here. So instead, I think this post may give you a better idea of who Michelle is (that’s me, in case you had any doubt). In fact, I will first let you in on this little secret…no one in my real life actually calls me Shelbee! Depending on when and where people have entered my life, they either call me Michelle or Micki. Shelbee was a silly alter ego that my friend Alicia M. and I made up many years ago and we would refer to ridiculous things that I did as “Shelbee did it”! And it’s kind of funny because my kids refer to Shelbee in the the third person as well as if it is not really me but this alter ego who exists somewhere in internet land. And my mannequin that was gifted to me from my friend Aimee and her mom, of course, her name is Shelbee. But please, blogger friends, do not feel as if you can no longer call me Shelbee because she and I are inherently the same being. And all of my stories shared here are genuinely and 100% me…Michelle, Micki, Shelbee! So here we go!
100 of My Favorite Things in 10 Categories
(These are in no particular order. Some are blogging related, others are not.)
10 of My Favorite Brands/Stores to Shop
(Most of these stores are on this list because there is very limited shopping where I live!)
1. Gap Factory
2. Old Navy
3. Kohl’s
4. Target
5. DSW
6. Famous Footwear
7. Payless
8. New York & Company
9. Cato Fashions
10. The Salvation Army Family Store (This is a recent shopping experience, but one I have grown to love!)
10 of My Favorite Blogs
(These were very difficult to narrow down to 10. You can find more of my favorite blogs here.
1. The World According to Eve
2. Spy Girl
3. Sheela Writes
4. Not Dressed as Lamb
5. Kremb de la Kremb
6. Fashion Should Be Fun
7. Fashion Fairy Dust
8. Fake Fabulous
9. Elegantly Dressed and Stylish
10. 50 Is Not Old
Thanks to all of you for your continued support and inspiration! The blogging world is an amazing community of fabulous people and I am so grateful to be part of it!
10 of My Favorite Movies
(This list actually contains 13 movies because I included the sequels to 3 of them.)
10 of My Favorite Fashion Trends
1. Dresses worn over pants.
2. Maxi cardigans/dusters/vests.
3. Tunics, especially asymmetrical hemmed tunics.
4. Kimonos.
5. Tassel jewelry.
6. Scarves, of course, worn every which way!
7. Tee shirt dresses with sneakers.
8. Flat form sandals.
9. Boyfriend jeans and flared denim.
10. Maxi and midi skirts and dresses.
10 of My Favorite Things in My Closet
1. My Kitten Mary Jane shoes.
2. My thrifted burgundy velvet blazer.
3. My butterfly kimono.
4. My red cape.
5. My furry vest.
6. My Jennifer Lopez cowl neck sweaters.
7. My glitter sneakers.
8. My denim jacket.
9. My leopard print sweatshirt.
10. My green plaid cardigan.
(I didn’t include my scarves on this list because there are too many and I love them all and they would have occupied the top 10 spots!)
10 of My Favorite Topics to Discuss Passionately
1. Mental health issues.
2. Pride of ownership and work ethic.
3. LGBT rights and tolerance.
4. Grammar (for real).
5. Arbitrary rules.
6. General respect for others, common courtesy.
7. Religious beliefs.
8. Army life.
9. Fashion, of course.
10. My children and family…always a favorite.
10 of My Favorite Books
1. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
2. Emma, Pride and Prejudice, and really all of Jane Austen’s works.
3. Magical Thinking by Augusten Burroughs.
4. My Uncle Oswald by Roald Dahl.
5. The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien.
6. Warrior of the Light by Paulo Coelho.
7. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides.
8. Madness: A Bipolar Life by Marya Hornbacher.
9. The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, Ph.D.
10. Stiff by Mary Roach.
10 of My Favorite Shelbee on the Edge Blog Posts
1. Old Friends are the Best Friends
2. The Real Story Behind Deployment
3. Is It Weird to Tell a Female Stranger that She is Gorgeous?
4. 39 Lessons that I Have Learned on My Journey Out of the Darkness Into My Happiness
5. Stay Sassy…and Style Art Review
6. Here’s the Thing About Confidence
7. Vanity or Sanity?
8. Mind Your Words
9. Made with Love by Mom
10. I Literally Have Nothing to Say
10 of My Favorite Television Shows
1. Once Upon A Time
2. American Idol and The Voice (See how I cheat at this just to get one more favorite in there!)
3. Beverly Hills, 90210
4. Friends
5. Nashville
6. The Mindy Project
7. 21 Jump Street
8. Sex and The City
9. Meet the Goldbergs
10. The Big Bang Theory
10 of My Favorite Lies that I Have Told My Children
1. “Mommy doesn’t know how to change batteries. Only Daddy knows how to do that.” (I literally did not change a battery during my husband’s entire 9 month deployment!)
2. “Mommies have long hair to cover the eyes we have on the backs of our heads.” (This one backfired on me, however, when I told my 5 year old that I could not look at what he was showing me while I was driving. He responded with, “Just use your back eyes, Mommy.”)
3. This one I told to one of my children’s friends…”When you are swimming and your lips turn purple, it means you are starting to turn into a mermaid. If you don’t get out of the water right away, your legs will turn into a fin and you will be stuck living in the water forever. That will make your mommy very sad.”
4. Sometimes Army living forces us into unique holiday situations. Often, we have Christmas at our house a week or two early because we travel to see family during the actual holidays. I have explained to my kids that “Santa comes to our house earlier than he comes to your cousins’ because we live closer to the North Pole.”
5. Speaking of Santa, when questioned as to why Mommy and Daddy don’t have to go to bed before Santa comes, I have explained that “Mommy and Daddy have to wait up to let Santa in (my son was very freaked out by the concept of Santa entering our home via chimney) and then we make sure he brought the right gifts and we help him wrap them (this also explains why Mommy uses the same wrapping paper as the Santa gifts).
6. “Yes, this ice cream is, indeed, jalapeno ice cream. You won’t like it at all. It is very spicy.”
7. “The little moles that you have on your body are angel kisses. The more you have means the angels just love that much more. And the raised ones are super special angel kisses.”
8. On days when my children relentlessly beg to go shopping for a new toy, I tell them it is a special holiday and all of the stores are closed.
9. “Mommy doesn’t know how to transform that Transformer back into its robot form.” (That’s not really a lie! However, I probably could figure it out if I tried.)
10. “If you eat too much cheese, you will never poop again.”
That is all from the edge. I hope you enjoyed! Please stay tuned for my special 1 year blogiversary post coming up in 10 days! (There will be other regularly scheduled posts in between.)
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups Where I Link Up

Ahhhh!!!! I love it! Such a fun way to do 100 and I learned even more about you. Now I want to make my lists, and I am not even a blogger! (I think I really am in spirit). Great post and happy 100!!!!!! #Ilovedallofyourfavthingstotalkabout #mustbewhywecantalknonstop #fordays #Iamsotellingyourkidssometruths #congratson100shelbee
Aimee, thank you so much for your continuous support with my crazy little blogging adventure. You always have such great ideas and a different perspective is always so helpful and refreshing. Plus you catch mistakes that I miss! I really appreciate all that you do to help with this project!
Congrats on you 100th post! Love the Mindy Project!
Stylin In St. Louis
Thank you so much, Jacqueline! I am just catching up on the new episodes from this season of The Mindy Project!
anne the SpyGirl
Honored to make the list!
I love your Mom lies.
“Just use your back eyes, Mommy.”
You must be tired of your summer clothing. Most of your 10 faves are Fall items. Heehee.
Thank you so much, Anne! I am so excited to share my big surprise for my 1 year blogiversary post! By the way, I hate heat and summer time. Give me fall all year long and I would be a happy girl. So yeah, I am tired of summer clothing by mid-June!
Another funny story about my back eyes…my son was going to the bathroom and I was doing something at the mirror. He said, “Mommy, please close your back eyes so I can have some privacy.” I guess he didn’t realize I could see him in the mirror with my front eyes! Ha!
Thank you so much for your continued support in my little blogging adventure!
Congratulations on 100 blog posts!!! How funny that you are not really Shelbee!
This was such a fun post; loved to get to know you a bit more!
Thank you, Andrea! And thanks so very much for your continued support!
Congretulations!.🎈🎉🎊🎆🎇I had to laugh real hard over that lies top ten! And I hope to read many many more posts of you!
Thank you, Nancy! I think that list was the most fun to write! Thanks for your continued support!
Such a fun idea for a post…congrats on 100!
Thanks so much, Tara!
what a fun post! Congrats on the 100! It’s fun to see what you’re about and learn more about you as a person!
Thank you so much, Ruth! It was super fun to write this post, too!
Happy 100th post! I love the Pitch Perfect movies too. I’m kind of obsessed with the “cups” song 😉
Edye | http://gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com
Thank you, Edye! I always love movies with lots of singing…I think it’s because I can’t sing! The Cups song is so fun, I agree! Thanks for reading!
I LOVE Pitch Perfect and Breakfast at Tiffany’s!!
They are fabulous movies, aren’t they, Darcy?! Thanks so much for stopping by!
Happy 100th! A 100th post is definitely a milestone! I love how you decided to commemorate it!
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
Thanks so much, Tamara! It was a lot of fun to write this post, too!
Sherry - Petite Over 40
What a fun way to commemorate 100 blog posts! Should I reach that point, I may have to borrow this idea–and give you and Aimee credit, of course!
Congratulations and Cheers for more posts to come!!
– Sherry
Thank you so much, Sherry! It was quite fun to put this post together! I look forward to reading about your 100 favorite things (because you will reach 100 posts I am sure)!
jodie filogomo
What a great idea Shelbee!! It reminds me of the time that my husband got 50 days of ice cream for his 50th birthday!!
And the Princess Bride is always on my list of fave movies too–did you read the book? It’s just as good!!
Congrats and can’t wait to see more from you!
Thank you, Jodie! I love the idea of 50 days of ice cream! I think I want 50 days of new shoes for my 50th birthday, though! Ha!
I have read The Princess Bride multiple times! I almost put it on my favorite books list, but I was having such a hard time narrowing it down to 10 and I already had it on my movie list, so I saved that spot for another fave book instead! Now, if only my kids would let me read it to them! They love the movie but they are just a bit too young to listen to me read the book.
Laura @ Walking in Memphis in High Heels
Love your faux fur vest! Thanks for linking up!
Thank you, Laura! I was super hesitant paying full price for this vest (which I very rarely do), but I definitely have gotten my money’s worth! I wear it a lot in the cooler months. Way more than I ever anticipated I would. And now I am ready for fall!
Wow congrats on this milestone Shelbee – more power!!
Share my excitement as I unveil the second installment of my collaboration with Los Angeles brand TOBI this week at the blog – I’m sure you’ll it as much as I do!
Happy Wednesday!
Thanks so much, Rebecca! You are rocking those TOBI outfits, for sure! Keep it up! Woo-Hoo!
Congrats on your 100th post, lady! 🙂
I loooove Super Troopers- such a classic comedy!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! So this comment came through, but it was in my spam folder. Hmmm…
Congrats on your 100th post!! How exciting. Love all the 10 favorites.
Thank you so much, Alison!
Dawn Lucy
Happy hundred! 😀
Dawn Lucy
Thanks so much, Dawn Lucy! I could not have done it without all the wonderful support I receive from my fabulous blogger friends!
Congrats on your 100th post! Oh my goodness Up Close and Personal is one of my all time favorite movies! You cannot go wrong with Robert Redford right?! And I have that same green plaid cardigan from Target last year…bring on the cooler weather!!
Thanks so much, Shelly! I still swoon over Robert Redford! And I kind of want to be Michelle Pfeiffer! (I have 2 of her movies in my list of favorites!) But ever since I married a military man who goes to places like that, I can’t watch that movie…I seriously choke on my tears when I get to the end of it. And speaking of green cardigans from Target, I just got an amazing solid green one there the other day. Oh they are killing it for Fall, too!
Chrissy Rowden
Congratulations on your 100th post!! You’re doing it right. 🙂 I see you have updated your blog page too. Thanks for being a real and fun blogger!
Thank you so much, Chrissy! That is such a lovely compliment!
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Great cat!
Thank you, Nicole!
Love the lists! What a great post 🙂
Thank you, Grammy!
Oh My! I haven’t thought of Coffee Talk in ages! Now I am a little verklempt.
So much to love on this list. I’m a fellow Jane-ite and Princess Bride is one of my all time favorites. Actually there were a lot of things on the list that are my favorites too.
Thanks for partying with us #FridayFrivolity.
Thanks so much for reading all of my lists, Audrey! When I found that Coffee Talk photo to use for that particular header, I was literally cracking up! I used to love to read so much but since I have kids, reading has taken a back seat (a way in the back seat). I suppose some day I will have lots of time again for reading! Great minds share great taste, don’t they?! Tee-hee.
WOW you’ve only been blogging for a year? I thought you were a blogging pro, doesn’t seem like its only been a year. You are doing a great job and much better than I did my first year. 😉
Congrats Michelle, umm I mean Shelbee…LOL
Thank you, Veronica! I still feel like such a novice. I guess it is just always a continuous learning process. You’re silly! It’s actually weird in real life when someone calls me Shelbee. But it’s so normal in blog world.
Haha I loved the 10 lies list, haha! What a cute idea for a post. Happy 100th!
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo
Thanks so much, Rachel! It was definitely a fun post to write!
It was so great to learn new thins about you S.
I really liked the items you featured from your closet.
Thank you so much, Lorena!
Mother of 3
Oh the lies we tell our children! Often I don’t even realize how many I tell!
It is so, so true! Thanks so much for reading!
“Yes, this ice cream is, indeed, jalapeno ice cream. You won’t like it at all. It is very spicy.”
Thanks for linking up today! This was a great post!
Thanks, Katy! That one always makes me laugh especially when they believe me!
Great post! I loved using this to learn more about you
Thank you, Michelle!