10 on the 10th: May 2022-10 Things You May Do This Summer & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #274
I am joining my dear friend Marsha in the Middle today for her 10 on the 10th series. Each month, Marsha announces a theme to inspire a list of 10 things to be shared on the 10th of each month. I have never joined before because I can never quite get my act together in time to do it. But I remembered this month, marked my calendar, and decided that I could and would get my act together this time.
So without further delay, here are 10 things that I may do this summer. However, many of these are already planned so I am doing them unless some unforeseen incident prevents me from doing so.
1. I may go to Smoked Country Jam in Cross Fork, Pennsylvania. (June 16-18, 2022)
Actually I am definitely going to this. There is no “may” here. This is our annual family summer vacation and the tickets have already been purchased along with my new car to fit all of us and our gear. This event happens over Father’s Day weekend so just a few days before it is actually summer according to the calendar.
2. I may be seeing Umphrey’s McGee in Baldwinsville, New York. (July 8, 2022)
The tickets have already been purchased for this event as well. I have seen Umphrey’s McGee perform twice in Asheville, North Carolina, and I am always willing to go see another show. Jeff has not been to see them perform live yet, so he is definitely going to this show. I may be going as long as we can secure childcare for the night. If we can’t, then I am the childcare and Jeff will find another date!
3. I may be seeing Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds in concert in Canandaigua, New York. (July 17, 2022)
There is no “may” about this one happening. The tickets have been purchased, my hotel room has been reserved, and I have a hot date lined up for the event. I have never seen Dave Matthews perform in concert before and I feel like it is a right of passage for my generation. When I saw that he was performing this summer just a few hours from me, I decided to go for it. I did buy just the cheap general admission field tickets though because the thing sold out so fast and the actual seated tickets ranged from $300-2000 per ticket. While I like Dave Matthews, I don’t like anyone enough to pay those crazy ticket prices!
4. I may be seeing Chris Stapleton in Saratoga Springs, New York. (August 26, 2022)
This is also definitely happening. My dearest goddess friend is celebrating her 40th birthday with an all-girl weekend event in Saratoga Springs complete with tickets to see Chris Stapleton. I am super excited for this one.
5. I may do a major clearing out project in my house.
I may get to this project if ever I can get motivated to conquer the overwhelm and begin! But if I want to do the next thing on this list, I have to do this thing first.
6. I may have a giant yard sale after I clear out all the junk.
So far, I have managed to clean out my kitchen cabinets of all the random unwanted and unused dishes and mugs and such. I have a box in the corner of my dining room right now where I keep tossing things that are yard sale worthy. One person’s junk is another person’s treasure, after all. But yard sales are tedious work and I am not certain I have the energy for this project. But we will see. The clean out process could take until next summer and I will have the yard sale then!
7. I may convert Ralph’s bedroom into a game room.
Currently, Ralph’s bedroom merely acts as a guest room since the boys have been sleeping in Archie’s queen sized bed together for years. In an effort to remove these boys and all of their gaming gear from my living room, I plan to convert Ralph’s room to a gaming room. Along with this conversion will come a full makeover of Archie’s room with an upgrade to bunk beds.
8. I may paint my living room.
Originally, I had planned to paint the living room first before making my way to Ralph’s bedroom conversion. But then I realized that if I make over the living room first, the boys will still be taking it over with gaming gear until I finish the game room. So it makes more sense to do the game room first, move the kids out of my living room, and then paint and re-carpet the living room.
9. I may get myself another new pair of cowgirl boots.
As much as I would love to add those boots right there to my collection, they are a bit out of my price range at $850. But aren’t they magnificent? My favorite place to shop for unique cowgirl boots is Country Outfitter. While I can’t afford the Old Gringos, there are plenty of other amazing boots to choose from within my price range!
10. I may fall in love.
There’s nothing quite like summer loving! And I may just fall in love during this one!
What 10 things may you be doing this summer? You are welcome to share your posts at Marsha’s link party dedicated to 10 on the 10th. Or simply drop your posts into my link party below.
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Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Mica - Away From The Blue
Such a fun list! Hope you manage to get to see all the music gigs you want to over the summer months, and good luck with the clean outs and renovation plans!
Thanks for the link up! Hope your week is off to a good start!
Thanks so much, Mica! I am definitely more focused on the music gigs than the home makeover projects! Fingers crossed I get to some of the home stuff before summer is over.
Amy Johnson
That is quite the ambitious list, good luck!
It really is, Amy! And I doubt I will get to any of the house things! LOL
These all sound fun! I have no clue what I want to do this summer yet!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks, Jennifer! I usually don’t have nearly this much stuff planned. I actually forgot to add that I will be attending a wedding in July in Long Island. We are taking a long weekend and doing some touristy things with the kids afterwards.
Christina Morley
I hope you give us a before and after! I enjoy bedroom makeovers and such. Thanks for inviting me to link something bird-related. I didn’t have something for this week, but maybe next week if it’s still the theme. Have a great day and thanks for hosting!
Thanks so much, Tina! Yes, I will definitely take photos and share my makeover projects here! Also, you don’t have to stick to a theme for linking here at all. Link away whatever you feel like linking!
What a fabulous summer line up! We have a concert tonight here in Asheville. Gogol Bordello. Genre? Gypsy Punk. LOL! I was never a fan of punk when it made it’s debut, but found that I am fan of punk with a twist. Gypsy Punk, Irish Punk.
And OMG! Those boots are magnificent.
Cool about Ralph’s room becoming the gaming room, and you getting your living repainted after.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I have never heard of gypsy punk before but I am definitely intrigued! I like any traditional things with a twist. Although I don’t think gypsies or punks are traditional at all. Haha. I hope you have the best time tonight! I look forward to hearing about it.
I don’t know any of those artists! Lol. But it does sound like a lot of fun. And those boots are really something else. So incredibly cool!
Thanks, Nancy! I am really looking forward to all the summer music! Maybe I should start saving money for those awesome boots, too!
We saw Chris Stapleton last August at Jiffy Lube. Great concert! So hot though!! Wanted to peel off my clothes. I’m already thinking about my 10 things. Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks so much, Tricia! That is my one problem with summer outdoor concerts…if it gets too hot, it really can make it miserable. But then I try to just forget about it, embrace the sweaty mess that I become, and enjoy the show. Imagine how hot the artists must be performing on stage! Ugh.
FYI, I wore jeans and wished I’d worn shorts or dress and cowboy boots like all the young girls. (Sadly, I don’t have cowboy boots) Lol hope you’re having a great week.
Oh goodness, jeans are the worst in hot weather! I love dresses and shorts with cowboy boots! I have found a lot of really great cowboy boots at thrift shops if you were wanting a pair for cheap. I always check the men’s boots as well and have found a few different pairs that are great brands which retail for hundreds of dollars and both pairs were less than $10 in the thrift store. It’s worth checking out! I hope your day is fabulous!
Patrick Weseman
Looks like a great summer planned. I love you say May. That is a great a word to use. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks, Patrick! I definitely need to treat all plans as tentative because you never know what could cancel them! So I am planning things and hoping for the best! I hope your week is going well!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What fun things to do!
Thanks, Tamar! I am super excited for all the summer fun!
These all sound amazing! You have so many fun concerts to look forward to! i definitly need to do a huge clean out too!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I am really excited for all of it. I just cleaned the kids’ closet and dressers yesterday. Oh my. So much stuff! I am taking it all to donate. I have already changed my mind about a yard sale! Haha
Marsha Banks
That’s a lot of music, my friend! But, gosh how we need music in our lives! I hope you get to make it to all of them. I’d love to see Adele in concert or see Aerosmith for their 50th anniversary year! And, those boots…I’ve always wanted a pair of Old Gringo boots…they’re just so daggone cool and edgy. But, I’m almost 100% positive I wouldn’t be able to get my left foot into the boot. It just won’t bend…damn metal plates and screws! I sure do wish you really had that VW bug…I’d buy it in your garage sale! I don’t do garage sales at all…too much work! And, a game room sounds like such fun. My best friend’s husband completely transformed their garage into a game room complete with a bar (non-alcoholic cuz they don’t drink) and black lights! Thanks for the link party!
Thank you, Marsha! I bet Adele and Aerosmith are amazing to see live! And I had no idea you had plates and screws in your foot. That really does mess up your shoe game, I bet. If I had that awesome VW bug, I don’t know if I would want to sell it! My sister had a blue VW bug in high school and the first 3 characters of her license plate happened to be RUG and so we called it the RugBug. She should have carpeted the whole outside of it! Haha.
As for yard sales, I have already changed my mind about that! I’m not doing it. It is way too much work. I just cleaned the kids’ clothes last night and filled 4 large trash bags. I don’t want to store it and sort it and price it. I want to remove it from house so I never have to see it again! I am so over all the clutter. So I have decided as I clean out the things, they are all going to donation centers instead.
I love this idea of a game garage and bar! How fun!
I hope your week is off to a great start, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
Sounds like a great list to me—can’t wait to see what you end up doing!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks, Cheryl! I already eliminated the idea of a yard sale! I cleaned out 4 large trash bags of kid’s clothing last night. Then I looked at them all and realized that I don’t want to store all the stuff then sort it all and price it for a darn yard sale. I just want it out of my house! So everything is off to donation centers!
I certainly hope that most of the things on my 10 on the 10th plan go as planned too but I treat all plans as tentative now just in case! LOL. It sounds like a fun summer shaping up.
I hope both of our plans work out, Joanne! I treat basically everything as tentative these days from plans to people! Haha. I need to make my rounds to read all the 10 on 10th posts. I hope you have a fantastic day!
Thank you for the link party! That is such an ambitious and fun list. Keep sharing!
Thanks so much, Megha! I appreciate that! Have a wonderful day!
Laura Bambrick
It sounds like you have some fun activities and projects on the horizon! I am always tinkering about and changing things up with our house! It’s so rewarding when it is all completed!
Thanks, Laura! My problem is always getting started on the projects! Once I get started, I am good. I just lack that initial motivation! I did clean out all the kids’s clothes yesterday, gave up on my yard sale idea, and Jeff took it all to a donation center this morning. I just want it all gone!
Michele Morin
I like your use of the word MAY-
I think we have alllearned to hold our plans loosely..
Thanks, Michele! I have learned that no plans are absolute and it is better to be prepared for disappointment from the start! But then when the things actually do happen, they are so much better than I expected!
jess jannenga
This was a fun list to read and I like how you have already got tickets to some of the events and are planning. The music festivals sound like alot of fun. We just had the discussion about ticket prices for concerts and shows and it really is lousy! Even our Symphony, which used to be donations is now charging $$. I think people should be able to go to hear a concert!
Cleaning and organizing is something we are tackling- our garage. ugh.
Have a great week Shelbee!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! Ticket prices like all other things seem to be rising exponentially. That is why I prefer festivals. Overall they are so much cheaper! I couldn’t get over the costs of the Dave Matthews tickets. Do people actually spend thousands of dollars to go to a 3 hour concert? That is just insane to me! But he sold out at those prices. I think my husband is tackling the garage this weekend! I just cleaned out all the kids’ clothes and then I ditched my yard sale idea and took it all to a donation center instead. I just want it out of my space! I hope your week is going well, my friend.
It looks like you’ll have a fun and busy summer!!
Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 19.
I hope so, Carol! I am looking forward to all of it! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Lucy Bertoldi
This is such a fun summer list Shelbee! I especially love that it all starts with I may- that’s the point! Love!
Thanks, Lucy! Yeah, I have learned to manage my expectations when it comes to any plans! You never know what could change them at the last minute.
Daenel T.
Chris Stapleton!!! I love him. I’m not even sure how I discovered his music but wow.
I am not sure when I first discovered his music either, Daenel, but I love it, too! I am super excited to see this show!
Jacqui Berry
Such a fun post shelbee, interesting to see what you May do in May. xx Jacqui
I May have a birthday x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! You will have a birthday just like me! Happy birth month!
Tina Gleisner
What a fun list & it’s easier that trying to put everything on a calendar which takes more work. Love the old VW and good luck with your tag sale.
Thanks so much, Tina! Oh I wish I owned that adorable old VW! I already bailed on my plans for a tag sale when I cleaned out 4 large trash bags of clothing from my kids’ closets. Once I realized I have to store all the stuff, then organize it for a tag sale, I decided to just take it all to a donation center. I just want it all out of my house! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and an amazing summer!
I may do numbers 5,6 & 8 but probably won’t. The other items on your list sound much more fun. Thanks for linking with #pocolo
I am definitely more excited to do the fun things than the cleaning and painting jobs! I already gave up on the idea of a yard sale! LOL
Helen Fern
What a great post!! Some really good ideas and I love the “I may” do – so much less stress if you don’t get to it! Thanks for sharing at My Big Fat Menopausal Life’s Share the Wealth party. Hope the rest of your month is wonderful!
Thanks so much, Helen! I can’t believe next weekend is Memorial Day…the unofficial start of summer celebrations!