10 on the 10th: July 2023-Summertime Would You Rathers
Just as she did in the springtime, Marsha in the Middle is at it again with a series of silly summertime Would You Rather queries. Each month, Marsha presents us with 10 questions about a common theme and asks us to share our answers in blog post form on the 10th of the month. This series is such a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great way to start new conversations, make meaningful connections with new people, and have a good hearty chuckle every now and then. Without further delay, here are the 10 inquiries from Marsha along with my answers…

1. Would you rather get up early to see the sun rise, or stay up late to see the sun set?
I am, have always been, and probably always will be a morning person. But not just a regular morning person. A super duper early morning person. I cannot remember the last time I set an alarm to awaken me in the morning. I naturally and consistently wake up right around 4:00 a.m. and have for years so the sunrise is certainly no stranger to me. But the trade off for always being awake to enjoy the sunrise is I am always too tired to stay awake for summertime sunsets. So I think maybe just occasionally I would rather stay up late to see the sun set in summertime. (I can witness sunsets in the wintertime here because they happen in the middle of the afternoon.)
2. Would you rather wear sneakers or flip flops?

3. Would you rather have to wear a tutu to the beach or a tiara to the pool?
I suppose I like tutus and tiaras equally so I would probably wear either in any uniquely strange environment. I do not like beaches and pools equally though. In fact, I kind of hate the beach. Sand offends my sensitive sensory intake and giant bodies of open water scare the heck out of me. So given these choices, I would rather wear a tiara to the pool. But I would wear a tutu to the pool as well. And given the right circumstances, I am certain there are many places I would wear a tiara and a tutu together!
4. Would you rather have a pool full of jello or a slip and slide full of pudding?
Okay, Marsha, first of all, both are supremely gross to me and I gagged a little when I read this question. I think jello is one the most offensive “foods” on the planet. The consistency repulses me, the amount of food dye in it sickens me, and I really don’t like the taste or smell of it either. So I definitely do not want a pool full of the sticky, slimy, gooey stuff. There are certain puddings that I do enjoy consuming in small amounts. Not sure I want a slip and slide’s worth of it though. But given my choices, I would rather have a slip and slide full of pudding. Can I chose the flavor?
5. Would you rather live in a tree house or on a boat?
6. Would you rather camp in a yurt or in a camper?
I have only ever camped in a tent so either a yurt or a camper would be an upgrade! If I got to choose which one, I would rather camp in a yurt.
7. Would you rather walk barefoot on grass or walk barefoot in the sand?

8. Would you rather go water skiing or water tubing?
I would rather go water tubing. I have never ever been on skis of any sort and I don’t have any desire to try such a thing now. Put me safely in a tube with a lower center of gravity and allow me my leisurely enjoyment. Also, sitting is one of my favorite hobbies. So I will always choose the sitting sport over the standing one! I was a competitive swimmer, after all, and that’s a sport you do essentially lying down in the horizontal position.
9. Would you rather be covered in watermelon juice or ketchup?
This question made me laugh out loud and cringe in horror at the same time. Absolutely, 100%, I would rather be covered in watermelon juice. I hate ketchup almost to the point of a phobia. Being covered in ketchup is one of my worst nightmares. I cannot tolerate the smell of it and if I get it on my skin I damn near lose my mind. There was a time before we had children when I refused to even wash a dish if it had ketchup on it. Whoever put the ketchup there is responsible for removing the ketchup before it gets to me. I have learned to tolerate ketchup since having children because they put the darn stuff on everything. I can even eat it now but only on tater tots or home fries. But watermelon. Watermelon I like.
By the way, searching for a photo of “a person covered in ketchup” literally made me gag. I can’t even really look at that photo below.
10. Would you rather go on a hot air balloon ride or a helicopter tour?
Okay, so this girl is terribly afraid of heights. As much as I would rather go on a hot air balloon ride, I think I would feel safer and more secure on a helicopter tour. Can I just stay on the ground? With some quality marijuana, I can get higher than hot air balloons and helicopters from the safety of my couch anyway.
That was a fun series of questions! I found myself giggling and smiling all the while I was writing this post. If you enjoyed reading my answers, be sure to check out Marsha’s post and her link party for more interesting responses. And feel free to share your own answers in the comments. I would love to read them!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

I had much the same reaction choosing between the helicopter and the balloon. Both scare me but the helicopter scares me just a tiny bit LESS. Love that round treehouse image you found – that would be a fun treehouse although perhaps a bit cramped. I also would love the yurt. Enjoyed comparing answers with you today!
I am glad I am not alone in my fear of heights, Kym! My husband spent the last 4 years of his Army career rappelling out of helicopters and just watching videos of him doing it makes me nervous! And as cute as that little round treehouse is, even that is too far off the ground for me! These were super fun questions this month.
Erin @ Cracker Crumb Life
“Sand offends my sensitive sensory intake and giant bodies of open water scare the heck out of me” – Yes! I live in the Great Lakes state and the idea of actually going out onto any lake is terrifying!!
Also, ketchup is the devil and hot air balloons are scary. I am with you.
Hahaha, thanks so much, Erin! Ketchup is the devil! I live near Lake Ontario and I think I have only gone in it maybe twice in the decade that I have lived here. And those times I really only went into my waist!
Marsha Banks
Hahaha!! I can’t believe you hate ketchup, too! It’s just so gross…the smell, the consistency…everything! I did not know that about you and the beach! I like the beach if it’s at the ocean, or I can see through the water quite clearly. I don’t like the thought of things lurking under the surface. It’s funny how there is more between you and the ground in a helicopter, but I would still choose the balloon!
Thanks, Shelbee, for playing along!
Hahaha, thanks so much, Marsha! These were really fun questions! I am glad to know that I am not the only ketchup-hater in the world. I get so criticized for it sometimes! Ohhhh, speaking of things lurking beneath the surface…I just watched a video of a guy on a paddle board who caught on camera the shadow of a great white shark just beneath him. And he was cool as a cucumber the whole time! What in the holy heck! No, thank you!
I felt the same way about #10 and picked… neither! LOL. Heights are so not my thing. I also don’t like Jell-O or pudding or ketchup. Glad to know I’m not the only one.
Gahhhh, I am so excited that there are lots of ketchup-haters! LOL
Patrick Weseman
Love your answers here. I am pretty much the same.
Thanks, Patrick!