To Dye or Not To Dye and #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #17
To dye or not to dye? That is my question. Do you or don’t you? I do. Oh, I do. And I have for most of my life. Here’s the scoop. I dyed my hair various shades of bright colors (green, red, blue, pink, purple) way back before it was cool. In fact, during my teenage years, I was labeled as a weirdo with my ever-changing rainbow locks. My genetically predetermined hair color was a boring shade of brown and I hated it. And as much as I hated it, I had an equal and opposite reaction in my love for dying my hair unnatural colors. Call it rebellion. Call it strange. Call it attention-seeking, if you will. I always just called it self-expression. But the color I have always come back to is black. It is the hair color that makes me feel like my most natural self. And now in my forties, my genetically predetermined hair color is an awful shade of gray. So I continue to dye it black.
I am teaming up today with Rena of Fine Whatever to talk about the dilemma of coloring your hair. We also have both styled the same pair of adorable green floral pants. And she will be co-hosting my #SpreadTheKindness Link Up as well. So you can link up at the bottom of this post or pop on over and check out Rena’s post and you can link up there!
Editor’s Note: This is the comment I have left on Rena’s post and I thought I might as well insert it right here…“Rena, such a great post! And you were way more thorough than I in drafting a fabulous post (I apologize for my lackadaisical writing on this one…I’ve got the “moving blues” but good and am feeling quite harried with all the packing and such!) Putting my excuses aside, I adore the way you have style these pants! And how funny (or maybe simply just connected) that we have both used pieces from Old Navy on the top half of our outfits! So, yes, totally different styles and lives and body types…yet we are continually drawn to purchase from the same retailers similar pieces (or the exact same pieces in this case). For me, that says so much about fashion and how it can simply bring people together in such an amazing way! I wish you so much luck with the transition to gray! I do not look forward to making the transition myself at this point (although I probably should seeing as I have been too lazy to color my hair as of late and I am probably half way transitioned already). It is always fun to join you, my friend, in collaborations. Thanks so much for coming up with this one. It was fun!”
Let me be clear…I abhor the actual process of coloring my hair. I absolutely hate spending the money to have it colored at the salon. I also am way too impatient to sit in the salon and wait for the color to set. On the flip side, I utterly cannot stand coloring it myself. I make a hot mess when I color it at home. I miss spots along my hairline. I splash hair color all over my bathroom. If I forget to wear gloves, I end up with gray fingernails for 2 weeks. I am a complete disaster when I color my own hair. But as much as I hate the process of coloring my hair, I am simply not ready to go gray.
I noticed my first gray hairs some time in my mid-twenties. And I always told myself that if my gray hair turned out to be a lovely silver shade, I would go gray when I turned 50. Well, I will be 43 next month and my gray is not a lovely shade of silver. It is drab and it is gross. But I still have 7 years until I have to make that decision. Maybe the silver will come by then. Maybe it won’t. Until then, I reserve my right to change my mind a hundred times or more.
Currently, my roots are about a 1/2 inch long and I am way over due for a color. But I procrastinate like a champion on this one! Perhaps this week, I will feel compelled to make a mess of my bathroom and get it done. Only time will tell.
Onto these green floral pants…Oh I am in love. First of all, they are green. My forever favorite color. And they are floral. One of my favorite patterns ever. And they are cropped and they are wide legged and they feel like I am wearing pajamas all day long. My very favorite thing to wear! (Seriously, I change into my pajamas as soon as both kids are home from school…at like 3:15 in the afternoon!)
Florals and stripes are two of my favorite patterns to mix. I also am very much digging layering dresses of baggy pants to create an old school eccentric boho vibe. When I saw these pants, I knew immediately that I was going to pair them with something striped. Enter this super comfortable striped tee shirt dress. Add in my furry rose gold slides (they are like slippers) and I am in sartorial heaven. People may have cast some glances my way with a turned up eyebrow the day I wore this outfit. But as Rena would say, “Fine. Whatever.” I wore this eclectic combination with confidence and even rocked these gray roots!
Outfit Details
Pants: Merona Printed Wide Leg Pant for Target.
Dress: Old Navy Heavy Knit Shift Dress in White Stripe.
Cardigan: Old Navy (No longer available. Other options here, here, and here).
Shoes: Burlington Coat Factory (No longer available. Other options here, here, and here).
Scarf: Burlington Coat Factory (Calvin Klein. Very old).
Necklace: LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s (A few years old).
Do let me know…to dye or not to dye? What is your preference?
And your favorite posts from last week’s link up…
Yvonne of Funky Forty looks ravishing in red in her post Red the Best Ever Spring Fashion Trick! I agree with her completely…if you want to amp up your Spring wardrobe, add a fabulous new piece in red!
Amy of Stylin’ Granny Mama shared a gorgeous casual outfit in beautiful blush in her post Pantone Spring 2017 – Pale Dogwood. I am loving the monochromatic look she has created with the splash of color in her fun scarf!
Now to link or not to link? That’s entirely up to you. But I would sure be happy if you did!
Keeping it dyed on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

jodie filogomo
How fabulous that you are both wearing the same pants!! I love both ways—of course!!
I’ve given up on dying my hair. But I realize that I have it easier—they tend to look more blondish with my lighter hair–or at least that’s what I tell myself–ha ha. I’ve just been wanting to try to get the chemicals out of my life as much as I can—although once I’m all grey, I might be tempted to go pink or blue!
I do follow a FB page called Going Grey Gracefully…and it’s full of inspiration!
Thanks so much, Jodie! This was such a fun collaboration. I had never really thought to write about the issue of coloring the grays until Rena suggested it. It really is a topic worth discussing, I think! I will definitely check out that Facebook group. Because eventually, the grays will win the battle with me! And I look forward to seeing you with pink or blue hair…you will totally rock it!
Ha ha ha, I am 50 and I am not about to show my grey hair! Ha ha, I dyed it black when I was 16,I had a very light skin so it looked awful. I looked like a host. I decided to dye it blonde, yeah right, it became orange….And dead!
I love your collaborations, I wished Dutch bloggers would collaborate more. Love the,, trousers,,. Not pants, I remembered!😂😂
Hahaha! Nancy, you are too funny! I have definitely had my mishaps with hair color and ended with awful dead unsavory orange hair! The things we do for fashion. This was a super fun collaboration to do! And yes, trousers is such a great word, isn’t it? Now I need to find some Bad Buy trousers for our collaboration!
Emma Peach
I love the mix of stripes and floral print, and the long infinity scarf is fabulous! I’m getting a few grey hairs coming through now. I told my husband that when I go light grey I’m going to dye my hair pink. He said “You’ll look weird”, to which I replied “Like I’ll care!”. Helen Mirren rocked pink hair, that’s good enough for me!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I definitely love creating eclectic mixes of patterns…to which my husband generally responds, “You look strange…but I’m so used to it that really doesn’t phase me anymore!” And you, too, would completely rock pink hair. I am certain of it!
Love the post! I love dying my hair. Well the process is a bit therapeutic for me, since It is a bit of me time. I do a face mask, paint my nails, and drink some wine while it processes. Love that striped dress.
Thank you, Stephanie! I wish I could enjoy the coloring process. I would rather be shopping then sitting in a chair waiting for color to take!
Patrick Weseman
Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a great week.
I know this is going to sound strange but I know a lot of males (approaching 50) my age dye their hair. I am lucky as I don’t really have gray yet. Just a little hairs here and there. I will never dye my hair.
Thanks, Patrick! I think gray hair on men is super dignified. My husband is just starting to get a little bit of salt and peppery look going on and I really like it! But I am sure there are lots of men who color their grays, too. But I agree with you…don’t dye it!
Love your floral and stripes Shelbee. Thanks for sharing yourself through your posts. You always keep it real. 🙂
Alison, thank you so much! If I am anything in this life, I have to be real and honest!
What a great blog! I would love to let me hair go gray (like The Silver Stylist Lisa Hale) but it just wouldn’t look good on me….o off to the salon every 4 weeks for color and highlights! XO Susan http://www.themidlifefashionista.com
Thanks so much, Susan! I would love to go gray, too, but it is just not for me. Not yet anyway! And Lisa Hale is fabulous! If I could get my hair that gorgeous silver color, I would do it in a heartbeat!
I shaved my hair off when a friend was diagnosed with cancer a year ago. What a freeing feeling. After 30 years of coloring and the various product, this super short pixie with no color added is perfection. I spend minutes on it and now receive more compliments than ever. Go with your gut, grey mixed with your natural color is perfect!
Wow, Janice! What an amazing way to support your friend. I shaved my head back in high school and then again in college (when my father was diagnosed with cancer). I do not know if I could go the shaved route now though. Although I am currently growing out my last pixie cut, which I loved, but I hated the maintenance of the super short hair. I think I may be the laziest person ever when it comes to my hair! Ha. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
Celia M.
The joy and privilege of aging … comes with gray hair … I’ve started to notice my trips to the salon are becoming more frequent … great pants … wishing you a fabulous week 🙂
This is so true, Celia! Gray hair connotes dignity, maturity, and the privilege, wisdom, and beauty of aging gracefully! Thank you so much for this wonderful comment.
Shelbee, how funny that we came up with similar titles for our posts. And kudos to you for home coloring … I’m not brave enough to try that will my volume of hair. As I said in my post, I freakin’ adore your outfit and the mix of stripes with floral. The whole look is perfect for when the weather is still a bit cool in Spring. Thanks again for agreeing to the collaboration. You’re a doll!
Rena, thank you so much for coming up with the idea for this post! These pants were such fun to style and the topic is one that I think about often but never considered writing a post about it. But I am so glad that I did. And I owe you a big thank you for that! I thought the same thing about our post titles, too! So funny. Great minds, my friend, great minds…
Thank you so much for featuring me Shelbee – feeling very honoured here!!!
Loving your striped top – looks brilliant on you.
Have a fab day,
Yvonne xoxo
Thank you, Yvonne! It is always my pleasure to feature fabulous bloggers! Thank you for inspiring us.
Yep I definitely dye my hair, and do want to go totally grey anytime soon! Just my own opinion, because I see some super grey hair styles – but not just yet for me! Love your trousers, love a bit of floral! Jacqui
Jacqui, thanks so much for sharing your perspective! I do not think I am ready to gray yet either. But I am just so lazy about the coloring!
Suzi Grant
I had bright red dyed hair for several decades, spending a fortune having my roots done every 6 weeks, and finally deciding it really wasn’t doing anything for me anymore. A year ago I started going “fashionably grey” and although I had about 6 months of having to have bleached highlights put in as my roots grew, it has been surprisingly painless and is now looking great, thanks to a purple conditioner! Thoroughly recommend it…….no more dyeing, no more bleaching, no more stains all over towels and pillow cases. I am SO happy, I can only say “go for it” when you’re ready to do so, you won’t regret it. x
Suzi, thank you so much for sharing your “going gray” story! I think it is a dilemma that we all encounter at some point and it is a bigger decision than I ever imagined! I love hearing how all of you “fashionably grey” and fabulous women are enjoying your natural hair color!
Suzy Turner
I used to dye my hair all the time. My favourite was always black though (I was a bit of a goth when I was a kid!). But about six years ago (+/-), I went on a detox and hubby and I started to change our ways. We wanted to be healthier and one of the things that concerned us was putting chemicals on/in our bodies – we stopped using normal deodorants and changed to crystal instead, among other things. But one of the biggest things for me was hair dye. I’d read so many horror stories about the chemicals used so I decided to stop dyeing it and chopped it off – that was my first pixie cut! I’ve loved my silvery grey hairs ever since and my hair feels a heck of a lot better lol!
I love your floral green trousers – I’m really into green at the moment. They’ll be perfect for the heat too. Gorgeous!
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so much for sharing your story about going gray! I have never really even thought about the possible long term damage done by the all chemicals. That is certainly something to consider now that you have mentioned it! I just don’t know if I am ready to be gray yet! You look amazing with your pixie cut. It suits you completely! And how wonderful that you and your husband have changed your ways together. It is such an admirable thing, for sure.
Suzy Turner
Thanks Shelby! I should probably mention that I had given up drinking alcohol and consuming sugar too but that didn’t last as long LOL!!
Suzy xx
Oh how funny, Suzy! I don’t drink much alcohol to begin with, so I could easily give that up. Sugar, on the hand, not so much!
I love the stripe and floral mix. I keep trying to find a floral I like and I like this darker version. I’m getting grays or whites. It’s hard to tell and I will keep coloring for a while. I’m 40. I’m not ready for white. I’ve been coloring my hair various shades since I was 14. And like you did a few colors that were considered weird back then.
Thank you, Vicky! I am currently loving basically all florals! And I don’t think I am quite ready to be all gray yet either. Especially since my husband is 7 years younger than me (and people always assume he is older…so I need to keep up that appearance!) And yes to weirdo hair colors! Weirdos unite!
Kathrine Eldridge
I’ve been dying my hair blonde since I was 20 years old. It’s only now that I’m noticed little grey pop in here and there so I’ll keep going. Lol! Love this mix of stripes and florals in this look. So perfect for spring! Thanks for the link up Shelbee.
Thanks so much, Katherine! I am really enjoying all of the hair color stories everyone is sharing! I need to research this topic further now.
Anne the SpyGirl
Greetings from the 60 year old virgin. Virgin hair virgin, that is! Never dyed, never permed. I’m lucky, I’ve got a nice salt and pepper action going on. My greys started in my 30s during my second round of college — learning fashion design and having a weekly all-nighter to get illustration homework done did the trick.
Love your look this post. You DO look super comfortable. Your photoshoot location, on the other hand, does not make me miss upstate NY at all!
I linked an amazing party that I attended last Sunday, full of Silver Sisters!
For real, Anne?! A hair virgin?! Never dyed your hair ever in your life?! I would have thought back in your “wild younger days” you would have done some crazy things with your hair! Haha. And you definitely do have lovely salt and pepper action going on and you rock it completely. And all of those lovely Silver Sisters look so fabulous! I have had black hair for so long and it feels so naturally me that the transition is very hard. Even when I went red two years ago, I never felt quite like myself. So I’m gonna stick with my black hair for a while longer, I think. As far as upstate NY goes, I just said to my husband yesterday, After 4 years here, this place is getting kind of stale. What’s our plan when you retire?” We need a plan…
Well, I am 7 years younger than you and have a lot of gray hair. I mentioned it not too long ago on my blog, too. Cannot wait to color it this week. My first gray hair was at 17 or 18 but I did dye my hair for the first time around my senior prom of high school. Anyhow, love the fun palazzo pants on both you and Rena. You ladies killed it! You always find the most fun, amazing ways to layer Shelbee and this dress over wide pants look impressed me!
Ada, thank you so very much for this lovely compliment! And for sharing your “gray” story! Isn’t it crazy how early those grays can creep in? My uncle had completely white hair by the time he was 20! So I guess I am genetically predisposed to the gray and the battles that come with it!
Amy Christensen
Shelbee, thanks again, for the shout out! I really appreciate that. Let me say, you are not alone in your battle against the grays. I have been coloring for quite some time and I am just not ready to go gray. I think if my gray would have come in all over, I would have been okay with it, but it came in around my temples first, so I was looking like Rogue from X-Men and while that look worked for her, it didn’t on me! Ha, ha. I think it was cool that you and Rena did this post together! I love the floral pants and you both nailed it for styling! Such a great spring look. – Amy
Thank you so much, Amy! As always, it is my pleasure to feature my fabulous blogger friends! And I hear you on the gray temple area…that is how my grays come in as well. And why was Rogue able to rock that look, but it is so hard for the rest of us?! Oh, it was probably the Hollywood make up artist…if we had one of those…the possibilities would be endless! Ha!
jess jannenga
Fun post Shelbee,
Love that you and Rena both have the same pants and the layering looks so pretty! I can picture you wearing the hair color of rainbow. I am getting more and more greys now and I wont go grey as with my fair skin it would just wash me out!
Have a great week!
jess xx
Thank you, Jess! I am very fair skinned as well, so I am guessing that gray may not look that great on me either! But I’m not ready to find out yet anyway! Rainbow hair, on the other hand…that I might consider!
Chrissy Rowden
Haha! How much I could relate to the DIY color at home!! I miss spots, it’s never, etc, etc. Although, I will say that I did better with Madison Reed. Just the same, this last time I had highlights put in for the first time. My colorist. That sounds so fancy, right? Anyway, she is quick and efficient. It was a great experience and I’m hoping the next will be as well! P.S. I love the stripes with the floral. 🙂
Chrissy, thank you so much for sharing your hair color story! I am receiving so many stories about hair color from so many different women, it is making me wonder now who determined that gray hair was so undesirable? And when? Ah…society and the way it makes us dislike all the natural things about ourselves! Now I have to do some research…
Nora Minassian
My hair has been dyed and highlighted for years but pretty much the same color, I do feel though that it has progressively gotten lighter lol…I like those floral pants, they are so fun!
Thank you, Nora! For the lovely compliment and for sharing your hair coloring experience. Do women with lighter hair have an easier time covering the gray, I wonder? Because when my gray comes in around the temples, oh it’s blatantly obvious and stubborn!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
You are so great at pattern mixing, as it shows in this outfit. Love those pants and the fur on your flats! Adorable! I have always highlighted and low-lighted my hair, but now I am starting to get some grays and so dye may be in my future! Wah! I love the color you have your hair, it def. suits you well!
Carrie, thank you so much! Florals and stripes are definitely my favorite combination. I never seem to tire of it. But I do tire of the hair color process. Ha. As far as highlights and low lights, I did that a few times and felt the process was even longer, so I gave that up! And I absolutely feel more like myself with the darkest of black hair!
Sarah Lennon
I love how you both styled these pants. I am HUGE fan of mixing prints so I really love how you paired it with that striped tunic. Have a great week!
Sarah, thank you so much! Stripes and florals is one of my favorite pairings and has been for such an incredibly long time. I seem to never tire of the combination!
I’ve been colouring my hair with henna for at least 8 years. Sometimes I am just too tired and say that I am done with dying it, then I go back and colour…
Flowers and stripes is also my favourite pattern mix, nicely worn.
I do the same thing, Lorena! I say am I done with it, but then go right back to dying it! Thank you for your lovely comment!
I have been dying my hair for so long I have no clue what it’s actual color is. If I were to guess I would say some sort of slate grey. Love this look! Your floral pants are fabulous!
xx, Elise
Thanks so much, Elise! Yeah, my hair has been dyed for so long as well. I am just guessing based on the color of my roots! But mine is definitely looking quite gray!
You both look fabulous!! I’m not yet gray, but I do occasionally color my hair. The process itself is so long and so expensive in the salon, I actually don’t love it, but love the results!
Pumps and Push-Ups
Thanks so much, Brooke! It is so expensive to have it colored in the salon. I have it done in the salon about once every 3-4 times just to get a thorough coloring in! But I could buy 4 cute dresses with what I spend at the salon. And dresses last way longer than the hair color! Ha.
Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party. Cute shoes!
Thank you, Nicole! These are definitely my favorite shoes.